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A/N: Please remember that this book doesn't belong to me! It belongs to the great and awesome fanfic writer: Lyonsgirl. Pls enjoy.😉

I close the book and take off my glasses. Luckily, I always bring my speed reading glasses, so I was able to read the entire book within minutes. "I knew there was a secret," I mumbled as I stood.

"Secrets don't make friends you know," I heard Everlue say.

My eyes widened as hands shot out of the wall behind me and grabbed my wrists. The hands twisted my arms painfully. I yelled out in pain and looked over my shoulder to see Everlue halfway in the wall. I glared at him. "I'll never tell a jerk like you," I said.

He twisted my arms a little more and I yelled in pain again. "Tell me what secret that book holds. Is it a treasure map of some sort?"

I glared at him again. "I'm not telling," I said again.

He twisted my arms even more. "Tell me or I'll break your arms like a twig." I kept quiet and he continued to twist my arms. Then he suddenly let go. I fell forward and landed on my hands and knees. I scrambled away before Everlue could grab me again and looked back to see why he let go. "Happy," I said in surprise. He flew away from Everlue, but his wings disappeared and he landed in the sewer water. His head popped out of the water, but he made no move to get out. "Happy, get out of there," I called.

"It feels so good though," Happy said.

I sighed and shook my head. "That's sewer water, Happy." I saw Everlue lunge for me out of the corner of my eye and jumped out of the way.

"Tell me the secret, little girl," Everlue said again. "It's in my book, so it's my secret."

I glared at him as he lunged at me again. "I won't tell a sick man like you," I said. My glare intensified. "It's not even your book."

"Of course it's my book. I commissioned it to be written," Everlue said. He jumped back into the ground.

"You mean you forced him to write it," I said.

Everlue laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about." Everlue's voice echoed around the tunnel. He popped out of the ground and began swimming in the concrete. "He refused to write a book about my amazing self, so I just gave him a little," he paused, "incentive."

"You threatened to take away his families citizenship," I yelled.

Happy gasped. When did he get out of the sewer water? "But that would mean they can't join any of the guilds. They wouldn't be able to work."

Everlue lunged for me again, and I dodged. Everlue laughed again. "He boasted about being a writer that didn't give into threats or money, but he quickly gave up after that. I even gave him a little punishment for making me wait for him to agree for so long."

"A little punishment?" I yelled. "You kept him in solitary confinement for three years!"

"Three years?" Happy gasped again.

"How do you even know all this?" Everlue asked.

I held up the book for him to see. "It's all here in black and white," I said.

Everlue's eyes widened. "Impossible," he yelled. "I read that book from cover to cover, and it has nothing of the sort in there."

"Well yeah, if you read it normally," I said, "but there's something I know that you don't." Everlue and Happy both watched me with wide eyes. "Kemu Zaleon was a mage before he was a writer."

"Really," Happy asked.

"What did he do to my book?" Everlue yelled out. He tried to grab me again, but I dodged.

"He knew he had to satisfy your ego, so he wrote a horrible story about a greedy protagonist," Lucy explained.

"That's it!" Everlue yelled. "Open gate of the maiden, Virgo!" The ground rumbled again and the giant gorilla like maid with pink hair jumped out of the ground.

"You called, Master?" she said in a deep voice.

"She's a celestial spirit?" I asked. I thought Virgo would be cuter. I glared at Everlue and grabbed one of my golden keys. "Open gate of the crab, Cancer!" I yelled out.

A man with scissors in his hands and crab legs on his back suddenly shows up in in a golden light. "What kind of haircut do you want today, baby?" he said.

"Baby?" I heard Happy and Natsu ask. I turned around to see Happy by the wall a few feet away. I caught Natsu watching with wide eyes right before he covered it up with a glare. When did he get here? "Why does he call you 'baby'?" Natsu asked.

I shrugged. "He's always said that," I said. I blinked and Natsu was suddenly right in front of me. He reached past me with one arm. I turned around and realized he saved me from getting punched by Virgo. "Thank you," I said.

"I'll take care of the gorilla maid and you take care of the man. Don't make me have to save you again," Natsu said.

I glared at him over my shoulder and ran around Virgo. Natsu punched her and she was instantly out cold. Everlue lunged for me again, but I took out my whip and caught him with it. Then I threw him at Cancer, who defeated him with his scissors.

Natsu looked at Everlue and then at me. "At least I know you can do that much," Natsu said.

I glared at him. "You've never seen my magic before, and you already put me in the category of weak and useless?" I asked angrily.

He gave me a blank stare before saying, "You fell for a love charm."

My eyes widen. "I wasn't the only one," I said in exasperation.

"You also didn't want to complete the mission," he added. He crossed his arms.

"It's a good thing I didn't because we would have deprived the family of the one thing everyone deserves," I ground out.

"And what's that?" Natsu sighed.

"The last words of a loving father," I snapped.

His eyes widen before he glares darkly at me. "Who cares about last words?"

A feeling of overwhelming sadness washes over me. "Last words can sometimes be the only light in the dark," I said quietly. "And a loving father is something that some people can only dream of." His eyes widen again. He looks like he's about to say something, but I smile and interrupt him. "Let's go to the client's house," I said. I was lost in thought the entire way to the client's house.

"Lucy, always remember to smile no matter how hard life gets," a sweet voice said. I watched with tears in my eyes as she smiled lovingly at me. "Be strong, sweetie. I love you."

I tear slipped down my check, and I quickly brushed it away. I didn't want Happy to worry, and I didn't want Natsu to have any other reason to call me weak.

"It was really cool how you threw Everlue, Lucy," Happy said. I looked at him with wide eyes. "You must be really strong to throw a fat man like him."

I stared at Happy a little longer. "Are you a mind reader?" I asked.

I smiled at him. "Thank you." Then I knocked on the door.

The door opened within seconds and the client's wife ushered us in.

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