Teenage satellites

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I hear a tap on my window, my eyes shot open and I rip the duvet off of me. I walk up to my window, another tap. It's sorta loud but sharp as if a pebble is hitting it. I move my black currants and unlocked the window. I push it up and stuck my head out of the window. Down below, I see my best friend Jack grinning.

"C'mon! Let's go!" he said quietly so my parents don't hear him or the neighbors. I smile and nod, closing the window and putting on black jeans, red shirt and my red sneakers. I quietly walk downstairs in the dark because it's 1:30 in the morning. I open the back door and closed it softly. I saw Jack sitting on the porch steps looking at me with a stupid grin.

"Ready?" he asked. I nod in response as we took off of his car. He got in drivers side and I slid in passengers side. He took off slowly to make sure no one heard us and as we got to the edge of the town, he made a quick pull and drove us to the city. We rolled the windows down and turned up the music of punk rock to a max point. We laughed and cheered as we drove through the empty city. We headed down to beach and parked his car. We got two backpacks from the back of the car and slung them over our shoulders. We have a big rock like cave thing and we always put graffiti on it and the people always have to wash it off because of us two. We mostly have to walk quite awhile to get to it but I always enjoy these walks. Fresh air and the calm ocean and it's amazing waves.

Jack got me to do this when we first started high school. Now it's our junior year and we still do it. I remember the first time we did this as if it was yesterday. I won't ever forget it. I won't let myself do so. The reason we started to do it is because Jack's parents were arguing a lot his freshman year and he need an escape badly. Jack being an only child and only fifteen at the time was having break downs a lot. His home was falling apart and his current boyfriend at the time was being an asshole to him. Jack was a mess. We weren't really good friends till that year. He asked me if I could help him. I fixed him like he asked. Now after two years later, he's a new person. Happy, energetic, and a goofball. I helped him create who he was always meant to be.

We are about halfway there and Jack stops me.

"Mark, can I ask you something?" he said stopping and looking towards the ocean.

I said sure to him.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" he asked.

I scratch the back of my head, "I don't know maybe YouTube musician or a gamer, why?"

"Because I don't know what I want to be." he says still watching the ocean.

"You like to paint and draw. Also, you're really talented, Jack. You can look at an career for that.

"Maybe.. Let's keep going." he said turning over and moving forward. Head hangs low.

We finally got the paint cave and we dropped our bags. I was expecting paint aerosol cans but it was big paint cans and paint brushes.

"Tonight I drew a picture and colored it of course. But I wanted to put it in the cave. It will stay permanent on the rock so we have to do a good job at it." he explained to me with a flashlight in hand.

I nod and got his three portable lanterns out from his backpack, setting them on high lighting making the cave glow in a yellow bright light.

He started opening paint cans of lite colors like purple, blue, pink, white, and one dark purple, and one black. I tore open a shit ton of new paint brushes of different sizes. He grabbed a paint brush and so did I. He got started on the dark purple on the top of the rock. I set down and quickly rushed over to grab his ihome and plugged it in my phone turning on our summer playlist of two hundred different songs. Teenage Satellites started playing when I hit shuffle. I set my phone and the portable speaker down by his backpack; grabbing the brush and white paint rushing over to where Jack is. I started creating white fluffy clouds.

I hear Jack hum and I sing softly.

"I'm kind of nervous of the consequence
As we climb over the neighbor's fence the longest summer's nights are numbered
Then you kissed me like a storm at sea
Like I'm the only one you'll ever need we're left abandoned in the deep end." I sang the verse softly. Finish the first cloud and noticed Jack watching me sing. He grins at me and I return a smile while singing the chores.

"We're teenage satellites." I sang as he smiled at me. He move his paint brush and in one swift move, I had a lite purple streak on my cheek. He giggles at me; I roll my eyes and painted his cheek white. I started to laugh with him. After a few, we continues to paint on the rock only this time smiling like idiots.

By time we finished the background it was four am. I sigh as Jack got into the black paint. He grabbed a more fine pointed brush and started paint to two humans. I sing as he paints. He seems so relaxed and in such concentration. His green hair sorta in his face but to the side is very vibrant as for my dyed red hair is fading at the ends. I readjusted my glasses as I watch him. After about another half hour he is finished. He steps back to observe our creation. He smiles at the hard work. I stand up and walk beside him. He looks over at me and smiles again.

"Thank you, Mark." he said giving me a hug. I return the hug.

"No problem, I had fun." I said as we broke way. I strangely felt cold after he moved away.

"Welp, let's pack up."

I nod and we started cleaning up our mess. Before we left, Jack and I took pictures of our work. After that we set off.

It's five am, I'm tired and a mess also Jack is too. We got to the car and threw the backpacks in the back. Jack drove me home and when got there we sat there in the car.

"Thanks for driving me home. " I said unbuckling my seat belt.

He nods, "thanks for helping me and coming out."

"I'll see you-"


"Yeah?" I said looking over at him.

"Can you do something for me?"

"Yeah, anything, what is it? "

" Kiss me.. "

I looked at him in surprised; he blushes and looks away.

" Sorry.. That was stupid of me to ask-"


He slowly looks up at me. I lean over and connected our lips. He doesn't kiss back till few tiny seconds and realizes that I'm kissing him. He moves his hand to my cheek that has paint on it. He smiles into the kiss which makes me smile back. We pull away smiling like idiots.

"I'll see ya tomorrow, Jack." I said giving him a peck on the lips. I get out of the car and quietly close the door. He rolls his window down and I walk over to it.

"Same time tomorrow night?" he asked smiling like goof.

"Of course." I said smiling back.

I kiss him one more time and back way watching him drive away. I sigh softly and walk back into the house to go back to bed.

Luckily today is now Saturday morning.

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