She Out of Her Mind

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There she is.
We call her Jack.
These college parties.
Her tight dress.
Her green hair.
Her blue eyes.
That blue dress to match those beautiful blue eyes.
That smile.
Those giggles.
Those cute little dance moves.
That cute Irish hat that she wears all the time.
Those thick rimmed glasses laying on her face.
Her accent.

She's my best friend.

That dick head.
That abusive, manipulative, mother fucking, asshole, she calls boyfriend.
That guy.
His friends.

She's crying.
They're laughing at her.
They tease her.
She shoves his hands away.
He slap her.

"The fuck?! " I yell and push him hard.

He's stupidly drunk and so is his buddies. They laugh as he falls.

" You okay? " I ask her.

Her tears.
My concern.
Her hand at her cheek.
I lift my hand.
She flinches.

" I won't hurt you, I promise. " I say.

She cries more.
She takes my hand.
She leads me out of this mess.

We walk.
For miles.
We talk.
She smiles at me.

" Thank ya, Mark. " She says in a thick Irish accent.

I nod, "No problem, Jack."

"Sydney. "

" What? "

" My real name is Sydney. Jack is a coverup. Jack is a mask to everyone. But tonight, ye got to see Sydney. "

It's cute.
It suits her.
She's Sydney.
Not Jack.
We've been friends for years.
But she now tells me her real name.

" Does anyone else know? " I ask her.

She shakes her head.

" I won't say anything. "

" Thanks. "

She yawns.
It's 2:35 am.
I yawn.

" Mark.. Can I stay at ya place tonight? I don't want to go to Brad's and I's apartment. " She asks.

" Of course. I don't think I could let you go back there. He's a dirtbag. "

She stays silent.
I question her about him.
She looks up at me.
She tells me that her parents think that they should get married.
She doesn't love him.
She loves someone else.
I ask why doesn't she dump his ass.
She slips her hand in mine.

" I don't know. I want to so bad. I think it's because he would do something ridiculous and have everyone against me. "

She fears him.

" Schools almost over, Ja- Sydney. We have a week left and then you can leave. " I say.

" I know, Mark.. Hopefully there's a school in California that needs an high school English teacher and a music teacher. " She said smiling at me.

" So I'm going with you over to California? " I said smirking at her.

We walk up to my door of my apartment.
She takes her other hand in mine.

" Yes. " She said leaning in.

I raise my hand to cup her cheek.
She flinches.
I gasp.
She looks away.

" I'm sorry... " She whispers.

" Sydney? "

She looks at me.
Her green dyed hair flows in the wind.
Her intense blue eyes.
I lean in.
She meets me halfway.
Her soft,
She kisses me back.
Her hands find my face.
She caresses my face.
Pulling away.
Wanting more.
I lay my forehead on her's.

"Ye very gentle, Mark. "

" Do you want to see gentle? " I whisper.

" Show me. I've never seen gentle until now. "

I open the door.
We walk in.
Her hands.
My hands.
My bed.
Her hat.
My shirt.
Our shoes.
Her dress.
My pant.
Our lips.
Her soft gentle touches.
My gentle touches.
Her moans.
My moans.
Her bra.
My boxers.
Her panties.
Our moans.
My gentle thrusts.
Her quiet moans.
My grunts.
Her high.
My high.
My bed.
Our bed for tonight.
Our sheets.
Our goodnight kiss.


Someone is touching my hair.
I open my eyes.
There she lays.
Next to me.
She's smiling at me.
I smile back.

"Gentle. That's what ya showed me last night, Mark. " She whispers.

" I promised you that I won't hurt you. Gentle is you. " I whisper back.

She kisses me.
I kiss back.
She pulls away.
She sits up.
She stands up.
She makes her way to the bathroom.
I hear the shower head run.

I grab my phone off of my night stand.
Two texts.
One from Wade.
One from Brad.
I open Brad's.

Where's Jack? She didn't come home last night.

I ignore his text.
I open Wade's.

Where did you and Jack go?

My place.

I text back.

Oh! Is she okay? I saw that her boyfriend slapped her.

Yeah, I think so. She woke up happy. So.

She needs to dump his ass.

I know, I told her but she scared that he's gonna ruin her life.

The hell he will! Not on my watch that's for sure.

She's wanting to go to California. She's gonna dump him this week and then when school is over, she's gonna move... Wade, she wants me to come with her.

Go! Go with her! You've loved her for years, Mark! You can have a life with her!

Hey, I got to go, text you later.

See ya later, dude.

I set down my phone.
She walks out with a towel wrapped around her.

"I'm sealing some ye clothes. " She said.

I smile at her, "That's alright."

She smiles back.

I live for that smile.

We all need something to live for.

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