Home Is Such A Lonely Place

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I unlock the door and walk in; I set down the ring box. Small and blue. Like the sky. Like his eyes. Oh, how I miss those eyes of his.

He's gone.

Off doing making his dream real.

He kissed me goodbye.

With tears in our eyes.

Don't wait for me

I grab the ring box and threw it at the wall. The box opened and the ring falls out and rolls towards me; falling when it makes contact with my sneaker.

He left.

He's gone.

I want him back.

I was going to ask him.

I was ready.

After so many months.

But he left.

Don't wait for me

I pick up the ring and set it down on the counter. I take off my chain with my father's and brother's dog tags. I put the ring on the chain with the dog tags. I put the chain back on, around my neck.

I've lost my father.

I've lost my only brother.

I've lost my boyfriend.

We were together for years.

Dad though he was perfect for me.

Tom liked his sense of humor and jokes.

I miss them too.

Don't wait for me

I love you

I love you too

Then why are you leaving?

Because this isn't what I want, Mark.

You don't want to be with me? Or with our son?

Tim will be fine. So will you.


Stop yelling, Mark.

I side down the wall and fall. I'm crying. I haven't cried at all.

"Dad? I heard somethin-"

"Dad!! "

I feel my son hug me tightly.

I hold on tight.

He's only seven.

He's suppose to have two parents. Not one.

He let's go of me and grabs my phone. I watch him dial a series of numbers.


"Hi, Papa. Yes, it's me, Tim. "

" I'm okay but it's dad. He's having a break down. He needs help. I don't know what to do. Please, Papa. Come home. It's not the same without you. "

" Why not? "

" Papa.. But we are your family. Dad needs you. He won't do anything. He won't speak and he sleeps a lot. He came home and threw a.. It's a small box.. It's a ring box I think. He's setting on the floor crying. "

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