Aurora's crush Part 2

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-Aurora's mind: Omg can he get anymore anti-social?! You know what I don't care...  W-Wait is he looking at me?! ok ok cool it and just talk...-

???- Hey

Aurora- Hi

???-Why are you looking at me like that??

 Aurora-Um I was staring out in space and I just noticed you.

???- Well then what's your name??

Aurora- I'm Aurora; you?

Shadow- I'm Shadow

Aurora- Um can you please tell me why everyone is whispering and staring??

Shadow- Well a high schooler being dropped off by her parents  is a little embarrassing isn't it?? 

Aurora- I guess your right... -end of convo- 

Suddenly the bus would stop and then everyone got out and shadow and aurora got out last. Then Aurora noticed a grey fox with a strapless shirt with a red tie standing outside the bus. 

???- Hello are you Aurora?

Aurora- Yes why?

Eclipse - I'm Eclipse I have been elected to show you around  the school

-End of convo- 

Aurora pov.

Shadow looked pretty bumbed out when I left with Eclipse (Eclipse is my oc btw)

Eclipse - So... whats up with you and shadow?? ,'=)

Aurora- W-what do you mean?? -blushes but hides it-

Eclipse- Oh COME ON no one has EVER talked to him for that long i have to admit he's kinda cute but I've got my eyes on Natsu... well that is if .

Aurora- well maybe he just likes to talk to someone for once.

Eclipse- No the thing is hes an ultimate life form so he doesn't age as fast as we do so he stays in a grade as long as he wants until he meets someone he likes and goes through grades with them. He still hasn't met anyone yet!!!! 


I hope you Liked the story and the video again i did not make this only the sonic parts I'm basing my story on 

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