Eclipse got an enemy!!! Part 4

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Aurora pov.

Later today me and Eclipse met up at the lockers when Eclipse went to get her gym clothes she saw a wolf pass her by then he got really close to her with his hand on the locker behind her and he had the emerald eyes like her brother ,half moon. He said: Hey babe wanna go out for a pizza later?

Eclipse didn't like this guy because he had a crush on her for years it was annoying... so she started to act all pretty and replied

: Sure! then she kicked him in the balls and said: In your dreams maybe... I gave a wide eyed look to Eclipse and with a horrified tone:How  do you get away with that?! Eclipse smiled in an evil way and said: I have my ways.... and she walked off=. I went up to the poor wolf on the ground holding himself and asked him : Are you gonna keep going at her?!

The wolf replied with a smirk on his face and said: Of course if it means not dating Shade the fox shes so emo i hate it!!!

she wore a black pony tail some long bangs that covered her face hazel brown eyes a black body tall boots and a short belly shrit exposing the tiniest bit of her chest and a short black skirt to top it all off she had this attitude that could kill!!

Storm: Um WELL I'm storm and you are???

Aurora: Oh hi I'm Aurora

as we got acquainted we shook hands and I went and walked off when i was turning to the changing room I saw shadow walk up to storm and then he scolded him.

I didn't quite hear all i heard was Stay way and no ideas what ever that meant I didn't really care for some reason I felt heat flowing to my cheeks and I locked myself in a stall and looked at my mirror and saw i was red all over the face.

I started to hope this was a dream honestly I thought he was kinda cute and it was so obvious to everyone here. I wanted to go home and restart the whole day And never even look at shadow...

Ugh i cant wait for the day to end!!!

The 5 minute bell rang and we were going to gym and today the gym teacher made my day the worst so far because we were doing my most hated sport of all... SWIMMING and what makes it worse is that me and shadow were on the same team honestly i was happy but totally bummed out...

I was so embarrassed today MOSTLY because i was the slowest swimmer on the team UGH WHY WON'T  THE DAY END?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


hey guys again I had to make my own ocs AND PLEASE DON'T KILL ME FOR USEING THE NAME SHADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx plz no h8 =D

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