Chapter 1: Lucy's Letter

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How should I write this without making it seem it was his fault? Although it wasn't..... Saying goodbye is so hard!!! Even if it's just for now, I'd really hate to leave so hastily, but if I don't leave now, Aquarius will be signed off to another person! I don't want to lose Aquarius, and whoever would sign her would regret it in the end... Let's get this over with, and leave before he comes.


Dear Natsu,

I'm leaving. It's as simple as that. Please don't come after me, and don't tell anyone in the guild that I'm gone. Just tell them I'm going to visit a friend. Don't tell Happy either; I don't want him to be sad that I'm gone. I won't be gone long, but I don't know exactly how long. I can't tell you what I'm doing either, for I know you'll be confused. Beside this letter there might be a clue, and you might just understand what I'm doing. But please, do not share this with anyone; this information and the clue. Natsu, I trust that you will get this letter and I understand if you do not follow my wishes. But if you do not, there will be consequences. Please don't think this is payback for leaving on a trip with Happy. It's just that this is a journey that I have to do alone. I used the last of my money to pay for one more year for my apartment so you can stay here, but keep it clean so the landlady wont have a grudge against me, and so this letter along with all of my other belongings won't be thrown away. Make sure my apartment is the same as I left it, and please don't follow me.

With sincere apologies,
love, your best friend,

Lucy Heartfilia

There, that should have done it. But as stubborn as Natsu is, I doubt it'll be long before he starts looking for me. I just hope it won't be soon.

I left the note on my desk, placed my broken key atop of it, and leapt out of the window, with just me and the clothes on my back.

I landed perfectly, and I felt so proud! Because I planned beforehand, I had a ride waiting for me: an ancient tiger that I had bought with the last of my money after renting one year of my apartment. Without a moment's hesitation, I hopped on and was on my way out of Fiore and started my journey. Using my journalism connections and with my own experience, I found a couple of places that sold, traded and collected keys. Some of them were places that were full of thugs, but I don't care. I need to get Aquarius back.

Emma, this is your birthday present, and the second chapter will be posted later. ^_^

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