Chapter 6: Truly A Die-Hard Try-Hard

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"Here is my song I sing for you, for your kiss is greatly appreciated, and fills my heart with happiness that you love me so."

(Song is Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly)

"Where is Miss Lucy?" Virgo asked, ready to fight.

"Oh, so that was the woman's name who had a gash on her stomach. Natsu, you said you were looking for her, right?" I said, putting my hand up to my face, pretending I was thinking hard.

Natsu nodded, a grim and worried look on his face.

"She was bleeding severely, and I offered help, but she gave me these keys and told me she could handle herself." I put my hands on my hips with an evil grin.

"I don't believe she-" I was cut off by Natsu jumping up and grabbed my collar.

"Don't say another word. Lucy was smart, she wouldn't've..." I looked down at Natsu. His eyes were covered by his hair, and his grip was loosening.

"You don't think she's dead do you?" I laughed, trying to keep my story going downhill so that he would go and try to find 'me'.

"Using was... Pfft! These keys are prime in their time! If I let her keep these, I don't even know where I would be right now. I fought her myself! A smart cookie indeed Dragneel." I smiled when I felt his grip tighten once again. My story was believable. I am a writer after all.

"Is she..." Natsu was so befuddled he couldn't even speak!

"Dead? No! We treasure hunters don't kill unless absolutely necessary. Although she was getting a tiny bit annoying about her keys being the one of the only things she ever loved. I taught her a clear and valuable lesson." I relieved myself of his grasp by kicking him in the stomach. Virgo had went back by now.

I fell and landed perfectly amount Aquarius, with all of my belongs on her back.

Plan Reroute is in action! Just one more push and we should be on our way.

"Better have not hurt her, you... you.. you beast!"

"Didn't I already tell you that I taught her a valuable lesson?! Most people can't be trusted Natsu, you should know that. I sure do." I said sincerely, patting Aquarius on the head, telling her to run as fast as she could, leaving Natsu behind to sort out his anger and confusion on his own.


People can't be trusted? But who should and should not trust? Why did she hurt Lucy?

Right. Her keys.

When she was taking care of me at the lake, she was reaching for Aquarius' key.

My hand reached for the key around my neck. It was bare. I fell to the ground. I couldn't find my scarf either.

She took the two things that reminded me of my loved ones.

She reminded me so much of Lucy, yet, she was nothing like her.

Lucy was kind, honest, and beautiful.

Lyric was deceiving, tricky and ugly on the inside.

They have their reasons for being that way, though.

But they laughed the exact same way.

And what was her reason?

I was angry. After thinking my plan thoroughly, for many hours, I would go after Lyric. I want her to tell me why she took those things from me.

All I could hope for would be that Lucy was alright for the time being, as well as the rest of the guild.

Lyric might know where Lucy is.

Another idea.

I am so confused. I don't know where to start.

"I'll rest for tonight..." I muttered aloud, ruffling my salmon-colored hair in distress.

My wounds were still healing. By morning I'll be alright.

I settled down in the grass, and noticed a lone blanket, neatly folded by the tree I was planning on leaning on.

Noticing it, I laid it on the grass, and went to find my vest, which was missing and hoping she hadn't taken that too.

I found it floating in the lake, soaking.
Beside it, on a string attached to a piece of drifting wood, a note lay, perfectly folded atop it.

Aquarius was slowing down, growing tired, and we had just made it to the quiet town nearby. I hopped off and took out all of my collected 'stolen' supplies, and stuffed them into my pack, relieving Aquarius and allowing her to revert to a tomcat.

"I'll find us a place to stay Aquarius, don't you worry." I picked her up after slinging the pack around my back.

I need a change of clothes. These are too close to my wardrobe at home.

Apparently, we had been travelling into the early morning, for the sun was coming into view, and a beautiful sunrise was able to be seen.

"How pretty." I said aloud.

"Not as pretty as you, m'lady." a voice said, tapping me on the shoulder.

I jumped, dropping Aquarius who was too tired to do anything but hiss at the mysterious person.

He had dark red hair, reminding me of my armor clad friend. He had bright blue eyes and one dimple showed as he smiled at me. He wore a different style of clothes than we wore in Fiore. A long green tunic with gold embroidery.

I looked around, there was almost no one else outside, except some vendors setting up; most likely since it was so early in the morning.

My hand went to my hip, my keys hiding behind Natsu's scarf.

"Woah there, you look like you might need a place to stay, being so jumpy! Why don't you stay at my parent's hotel? There's free breakfast, and they allow pets." He pointed behind him to no place in particular.

"Why should I trust you?" I snarled, not being my regular self; I was extremely stressed and sleep deprived. This would be good for my new beginning though.

"Why not trust me? I'm handsome, kind, and am very ri- very rigorous."

"Being rigorous is not always a good thing, stranger." I crossed my arms, I was getting tired of standing here, wasting my time and whatever energy I had left.

"Ha, a stranger thing yourself, m'lady. I gave you an offer, now why don't you take it?"

I gave in, I could practically see Aquarius getting irritated, and her legs were a bit wobbly.

"Alright, now where is this hotel of yours?"

"Did I say hotel? My apologies. An alluring maiden like you should be staying in a beautiful mansion. Not some rundown three-star hotel." He snapped his fingers and five people rushed towards Aquarius and I, picked us up, and knocked the two of us unconscious.

School has started as many of you know, and have witnessed, so not many chapters will be updated as usual, but I am working on Weirdo and another chapter for this book, so expect two other updates within two days! Happy Labor Day as well!


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