Chapter 9: Really?

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"What a beautiful song you sing for me, what a disaster our lives have to be."


"Staring is impolite you know."

I blinked, trying not make eye contact with the strange people who just might think that I was even stranger than I already was.

"Mind telling us your name? They might trust you a bit more once they know your name." The man asked, running his hand through his hair with a friendly smile on his face.

"Mind telling me yours?" I replied quite rudely, not meaning to.

"Ah, my apologies, the name's Alec Runkowschi, and this is my sister and good friend Mari Ann Kimberly. We're from the guild DreadLock."

"Natsu, Natsu Dragneel." I replied, hoping that they were some of the few who don't know my name.
I took off my hood and turned around to face them fully.


Once breakfast was over, I returned to my room for a moment and realized that I had misplaced my keys, whip, and Natsu's scarf! I was in a panic.

"Um, um, umumum?!" I started murmuring, wondering where in the world I could've placed these irreplaceable items.

"Lu- ah, er, Mistress Lucy?"

"YES?!" I shouted, startling the young servant; I probably looked out of my mind.

"Lady Cassandra has set up an appointment for you to have tea with her in the afternoon. A-and Prince Alex has called for you."

Ugh, not him.

"Um, of course, tell him I'll be getting ready, and, ah, sorry for startling you."

I smiled sheepishly. The servant simply nodded and left the room.
Now there were more problems to deal with.

After I had managed to find a proper outfit for tea this afternoon, and unfortunately, not my missing things, I headed down the velvet hallway.

Not having a single clue where 'Alexander the Great's' room was, I wandered around the castle, which I must say, even for a castle, was unbelievably large.

I won't make the mistake of saying I didn't get lost, but, I got lost.

I ended up in parts of the castle that weren't used often or even at all. I found the library, much to my satisfaction, and made a mental note of its location. I eventually found myself in the castles garden, which was more or less overgrown and not taken care of, but it was still beautiful.
In addition, the glass room felt abnormally small and cramped, and a little too dark due to the dirty windows and overgrowth. I decided to make it my duty to clean up the once blooming garden and rolled up the sleeves to my dress.  Alexander could wait.
Starting simple, I started pulling weedy vines off of plants and trimming some of the more flowering plants. I got a few cuts from the vines, as I knew I would, and there was nothing I could do to prevent getting my dress dirty as I knelt down to pick the weeds out from the cracks in the stone pathway.

Time flew by as I worked alone peacefully in the garden. As I worked, my loose hair started to stick to my forehead and back from my sweat. My hands were covered in many tiny scratches and dirt decorated my arms and dress. Finishing up, I went to a nearby faucet and rinsed my hands free of dirt, and filled a bucket with water. Only as I started watering the plants did I know how late it was. Pouring the last of the water over the plants I ran out of the glass garden, not even glancing for a second to see the hard work I'd done.

I ran and ran, all the way to my room, past Alexander, who looked both shocked and cross at the same time, not giving him a second to say my name or grab my arm to stop me.
I stopped only when I got to my room, got undressed, and stepped into the shower.

It seemed as if everyone blinked simultaneously. Then went back to talking to one another, not caring about me anymore. I guess it was a matter of me being suspicious.

"Well, Natsu, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" Alec smiled, and I shrugged my shoulders in response, sitting back down.

His partner kept staring at me, no expression evident on her face.

Alec kept smiling.

Something was bound to happen, I just felt it. Who smiles all the time, 24/7?

I started towards the door, wanting to get as far away from this place as soon as possible. I felt them follow, not to mention hear them. The spurs on their boots clicked as they walked, and Alec cursed for wearing them.

I began to walk faster, pulling the makeshift cloak over my head. I started to feel dizzy, most likely from not eating anything for an entire day.

I felt myself sway and fall to the ground. I saw them approach as Alec's sister cast a spell, and I finally passed out.



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