Chapter 4: Reminiscence

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"Here, I'll sing you a song, a lulluaby, to turn your drilling nightmares into beautiful dreams you'll think about all day and night."


Could it be?

I opened my mouth to speak but the girl that looked like Lucy spoke first.

"I might need a hand, so if you will...?" she was straddling the man on the floor, making sure he wouldn't get up.

She doesn't sound like Lucy, but she looks sort of like her, but Lucy's hair is a lot longer than hers.

"Right..." I ran into the hallway, giving a quick glance into the room that was open.

With a woman in the corner who seemed dead and a woman who was in labor with two younger girls attending to them, this situation got a little more hectic.

"M-may I ask your name?" I glanced over at her, and she was looking at me wide-eyed. She drew her attention to the now unconscious man she was sitting on.

"Its polite if you say your name first y'know." Her cheeks grew red, and she was trying to avoid looking at me.

"My name is Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. You look like a friend of mine who went missing." I answered, automatically regretting bringing up Lucy to a probable stranger.

"My name is... Lyric, Lyric Reminiscence. Are you looking for them? I'm searching for a very dear friend of mine as well." She answered softly.

"I'm still wondering what happened here, and why he attacked these women. His eyes looked like he was in a trance, and wasn't quite in control of himself." She stared at the man, getting up and walking into the room where the tragedy happened.

"So, do you know exactly what happened? Who is he?" Lyric held onto the woman who was taking care of the newborn babies; whom were triplets. Their mother was fast asleep, breathing heavily but peacefully.

Now that I think about it, Lyric doesn't know anyone here either, and was just here at the wrong time. But she was here just in time.

"First, may we know your names?" I asked, stepping forward out of the hallway. I saw Lyric kick something underneath the bed; the covers reaching the floor, sheltering the object from sight.

"Ah, y-yes, and thank you so much. I don't know what happened to Frey. Horizon's h-husband, I mean. He's never liked violence. Doesn't even like magic, despite his wife and family using it everyday. I'm Kirsty, Horizon's housemaid. Her two little sisters, Dawn and Twilight are in the corner. Twilight hit her head on the bed table trying to get Frey away from Horizon, and he threw her in the corner. Her mother said she would be here by the time the babies were born, but-"

"She's outside, waiting. I told her to stay there where it's safe. I heard the scream upon arriving. I'm glad I was able to help." Lyric cut her off, reassuring her, and left to go outside.

I sat there silently, staring into nowhere, and went over my thoughts.

She looks so much like Lucy. As does that old woman outside. I can't tell. They don't act the same. Lucy is slightly more introvert, and isn't one to get in a fight so physical. But Lyric is a lot more secretive and seems to be more out there and ready to start a fight. But I shouldn't judge so quickly.

I snapped back to reality when I remembered the things that she had stowed under the bed. I slowly creeped underneath the bed with my arm, trying not to attract attention from the other occupants in the room, who were already busy dealing with other things. Still feeling underneath the bed, I felt something leathery and cool, and I pulled it out. A whip, that had the initials L.H. on it.

I heard the click clack of boots walking down the hall and quickly placed the whip back underneath the bed.

"Natsu," I heard Lyric call shakily from the hallway.

"Where's Frey?"


The expression on Natsu's face showed recognition.

I thought I wouldn't have to meet so soon... But he won't recognize me...hopefully.

Before he could ask anything I spoke first.

"I might need a hand, so if you will...?"
I changed my voice slightly, giving him a hard stare.

He replied quietly and joined me in the hallway, looking into the room where the fight had begun.

The man, now unconscious, was muttering things in his sleep, mostly nonsense.

"M-may I ask your name?" That caught me off guard. I thought that this wouldn't happen, that he would just think I was going to be out in a moment and not care about giving me a name, which would've been a better idea than sticking around.

"Its polite if you say your name first y'know." I replied, trying to avoid the topic long enough to come up with a name. I blushed, remembering all of the names he called me, but I definitely wouldn't use any of those as a cover up any time soon.

"My name is Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. You look like a friend of mine who went missing." He replied, slightly hesitant.

A friend of his. Me. I went missing, and he has come to find me. He can't find me though, because I'm afraid.

"My name is... Lyric, Lyric Reminiscence. Are you looking for them? I'm searching for a very dear friend of mine as well." I answered, trying to sound confident, which didn't work out with me saying my alias so quietly.

"I'm still wondering what happened here, and why he attacked these women. His eyes looked like he was in a trance, and wasn't quite in control of himself." I said, standing up to walk into the previous room.

"So, do you know exactly what happened? Who is he?" I asked, holding onto the woman's hand.

When Natsu asked who their names and as she started telling us what happened, I couldn't help but think about what would happen after we got this all situated. Would we go our different ways? Would he still go looking for me even when I was right beside him?

I cut Kristy off, listening but not listening was a hobby of mine.

"She's outside, waiting. I told her to stay there where it's safe. I heard the scream upon arriving. I'm glad I was able to help." I stood, walking outside without another word.

I saw Horizon's mother laying on Aquarius, whom was sleeping peacefully.

"Miss, you can come inside now." I shook the old woman slightly, who hissed a snakelike hiss. I backed up quickly and Aquarius stood up abrubtly, making Horizon's mother fall off onto the ground. She looked up, her eyes slits and her skin turning into scales. I ran inside, Aquarius following, trying to be as discreet as possible. That was when I noticed an empty hallway.

"Natsu," I called, my voice slightly shaky.

"Where's Frey?"

I heard him shout, panicked, and quickly ran into the room now filled with snakes.

"What-" Natsu growled, surrounded by Lamias, and wrapped up in their tails.

"We've been tricked. We have to get out of here, quickly. Aquarius, get my stuff and get rid of these snakes, don't get bit, please." I ordered Aquarius, running out the door and into the forest behind the cabin.

"They're here somewhere... I know they are. The book said..."

A hiss.

"The book said what my dear?"

Found it, but it might be too late. I'm done for.

Authors Note

I ran out of ideas, okay? I'm a deranged weirdo idk the thing is I'm strange.
P.S I haven't edited any of these chapters its just me writing the story without looking back...

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