Chapter 1

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"Class dismissed everyone! Remember to study for your quiz tomorow!" My history teacher said while everyone gathered their things.

I pulled my note book out that had all my drawings in in. I use to draw to get my stress and anger out and when I'm just bored or lonely. I would say That i'm a decent drawer, But who knows.

A smile crept up on my face as I examined the picture on my father and I that I had drawn a while back. It meant the world to me and I put so much feeling into it. It was the night I had found out my father left, I cried for days before I stopped crying. But it still lead to major depression.

I brushed my finger over the detailed features on his face, feeling the sharp edge of the paper. I pushed my blond hair out of my face and behind my ear. I felt a grasp on my sketch book. I looked up to see Taylor holding my sketchbook in her little manicured fingers "aw lyric! This is so presious. Wow, you really know how to draw" she said flipping threw the pages. She came across my dad and I. She looked down at me "this is by far my favoright!" She ripped the page out of my note book. I let out a little whimper. "Don't cry freak, I'm doing you a favor" she ripped the page to pieces, when she was finished she ripped all the others out amd tearing them to shreds.

She let out a little giggle and dropped all the remaining pieces at my feet. She walked off with the others.

I stared at the pile of worthless papar. Broken hearted. I felt tears run down my cheeks before I felt A light tap on my right shoulder, I shook and turned to see a tall, skinny but fit guy. His hazel orbs looked down at my with sympathy.

"You're an amazing artist."

His husky voice spoke.

I stared down at my shoes and said nothing.

"I never liked Taylor, she's a bitch and always has been. Come to think of it I think she slapped me when I stole an animal cracker from her in like 3rd grade"

I laughed a little at his comment.

"Was that your dad?" He asked pointing to the crumbling pieces slipping threw my fingers. I nodded slowly.

"Were is he?" He asked with a smile plastered to his face.

"He left when I was little." I said with venom in my voice.

He stood there wide eyes "I'm so sorry.." He began

"It's fine" I said standing up throwing everything into my bag. I turned around and made my way to the door.

He grabbed my shoulder gently "Hey, If it matters...My mom died when I was nine."

He mentioned it like it meant nothing, I turned around and showed a light smile.

"I'm Mason" He said with a smile

"Lyric" I said shyly.

" lyrics?" He asked confused.

"Yeah I guess, My dad picked it" I said.

He nodded "so how come I have never seen you around?.." He asked.

I rolled my eyes "Maybe because..." I drifted off into thought. Maybe because you never talk to anyone. Maybe because your the biggest freak in school and you don't know how to make friends or keep a convorsation with out being awkward.

I made my way out of the class room as he chased after me.

"Hey, Hey! Are you okay?" He asked touching my shoulder.

I panicked.

"Yeah i'm fine..I need to get to class" I said walking quickly.

He grabbed my hand. "Well can you just take three minutes out of your presious time to talk to me?" He asked.

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