Chapter 6

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I was home alone staring at my ceiling. Why was Blake involved in my Life? Why was he covering my mom in money? I had so many questions, But I who was I suppose to go to for help? If there was something going on with Blake, And I asked my mom about it...who knows what she would do. I pulled out my cell phone and called mason.

"Hey I was waiting for your call" He said as he picked up the phone. i smiled.

"Yeah..Sorry I went out last night and diden't come home untill like 3 in the morning" He chuckled "Okay, As much as I want to hear that story...How about you come over?" He said. "Yeah, I'll be there in ten" We both hung up and I slid on my black converse and jacket and left.

I walked down the park trail, Masons house was not to far from here. So I always took this trail as an advantage of a short cut.

I looked around my surroundings to see everything looked much more Dark and gloomy. I heard leaves ruffle behind me. I spun around and saw a black figure run behind the trees. I leaped forward and pinned the figure to the tree. I pulled down there hood and was surprised to see Blake. "I thought we were friends!! Stop stalking me like that before I call the cops!" I yelled in his face.

He looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to protect you!" I sucked in my break and exhaled with a large sigh. "I can take care of myself thank you very much. Now Leave me alone!" I pushed him down into the dirt and stood my ground. "Lyric- You don't understand there's bad people out there who have it for you and your mom!" I rolled my eyes. "Is that why my moms gone so much?! Cuz' she's hiding from them?!" I screamed. He shrugged "Crazy I know..To think you protect your own kid." I bit down on my cheek "Never mind that Blake. Why are you following me." He hopped up from the ground. "Hm I'm not..I just felt like creeping around today. It's really relaxing you know" I punched his shoulder "Shut up. You know i'm not kidding" He grinned. "Yeah I know...beleive me lyric..I want to tell you everything! I will eventually..Just not now. It's not safe for you.".

"Bullshit with this 'It's not safe for me' I can take care of myself! I have been for seventeen years!" I said throwing my hands up in the air.

We approached Masons street. "So were are you going anyways?" He asked looking around the surroundings. I rolled my eyes "Even thought it's none of your business...I'm going to my friends house." I said rolling my eyes. Honestly, What was this kids deal? He nodded "Cool!" We walked silently for about a minute until I leaped to my question.

"Were do you live?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Here, There"

I scrunched up my nose "That's not a real answer."

He chuckled "I live far from here Lyric. That's all you need to know"

I slowed my walking speed as he passed in front of me a piece of paper was sticking out of his back pocket. I slipped my hand over and retrieved the paper and stuffed it into my jean. He looked back at me "Mind if I come to your friends with you?" He asked. I shook my head "He dosen't like strangers, you should be going" I said pointing in the direction we came. 

He bit down on his lip "I suppose your're right..I'll see you soon Lyric" He said before lifting his hood back up and leaving. 

What's this kids deal?

I continued walked but pulled out the paper and looked it over. 

268 King road. We meet at midnight behind the school alley. Bring the money.

I grinned and then felt a rush over me. I walked up mason's drive way and knocked on the door. "Hey!" he said with a smile on his face. 

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