Chapter 7

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I walked down the dark alley way, The bright street light attached to the side of a building was flickering on and off. I felt voices surround me and chills ran up my back. I felt a presence behind me. I swung around but was pelted off my feet and pushed into a brick wall onto the ground. I screamed for help but the person walked up to me and pushed me ageinst the wall. "You can never keep your mouth shut can you little lyric?" Blakes cold hand pushed the hair away from my face.

"It probably wasen't the best choice going to the police with your problems? was it?" I felt tears run down my cheeks and fall onto my grey hoody. He pushed the tears away and pulled out a gun from his pocket. "Stop crying and fight for yourself!" He yelled.

I jumped up from the bed screaming and crying. Mason was sitting next to me hugging me. "Shh..Lyric it was just a dream!" He said rubbing my back. "It-It was him!" I cried out. He nodded slowly and hugged me "I know..It's scary shit. I'm nervous too! But all I care about is keeping you same and I promise you nothing will come in harms way for you" I nodded and hugged him. "Thank you mason". 

I rolled around bed all night worrying about the situation with Blake. My mind began to trail off like was he a murderer? would he hurt me? Maybe he's just lonely. But I coulden't seem to get that cold feeling off of me. I felt as if I was being watched that very moment. Mason was in the other room sleeping, He refused to leave me after what he had heard with the officer. I needed some air. 

I swiftly climbed out of bed and Threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of my old converse. I walked past the living room to see mason asleep on the couch I opened the door as a huge gust of night air hit my face. I breathed in and stepped outside and quietly shutting the door. I trailed down my driveway and down the street. 

The street lamps flickered above me and I suddenly began to feel nervous. Feeling as if this were like my dream, I pastened my walking. I walked down the gravel walkway to the park, Hearing faint chuckles and laughter behind me, I swung around to see a large group of teenage boys walking my way. I was way in over my head. I continued walking not letting their comments bother me. 

"Hey girl, Come over here!" One boy yelled. 

I slowly turned around and grinned. I diden't think anything different of them, So I walked over to them. They all slowly chuckled.

"What are you doing out this late little one?"

"This ones mine boys"

"She sure is a cutie"

One boy grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his chest, He stunk of alcohol and too much after shave. I gagged. They all circled around me and pushing me around to each one. I shrieked and yelped for help. A shaggy brown haired boy grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth.

I kicked him in the knee. He let go and screeched out. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed out. 

Out of nowere. The boy grasping my was pushed down to the ground as were the others. Blake lunged at one and punched his square in the jar. Blood ran down his face as Blake kicked him in the stomach.

The boys were knocked out. Unconscious. I shuffled away from Blake afraid of his next action, He ran over to me and lifted me up onto my feet. "Holy shit lyric. Why are you out so late?" I pushed him away from me. 

"Get away!" I screamed pulling a pocket knife from inside my jacket. He backed away slowly. 

"What is wrong with you? I just saved you! You would of been a piece of meat to them if it were not for me!" He threw his hands up in the air. 

I shook my head. "Why are you following me. Your every were I go Blake". 

He shrugged "Arn't friends always around for each other?" He asked.

I laughed. "Your not my friend Blake. You some creepy stalker boy" I said outlining his face in the air.

He lightly chuckled. "Ya..Whatever lyric. You just can't help that you've had a shitty enough life and you can't take anymore help!" I grinned "You don't know about my life, So i suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" I snapped.

"PUH-LEASE. You woulden't know the first thing about friendship if it hit you in the face, I know about your life because we have talked about it! I'm not stupid lyric. I know you lyric. I can't tell you how, But just trust me" He said walking over and placing his hands on my waist. 

I pushed his hands away from me.

"How do you know my mom?." I said sternly.

***~**AUTHORS NOTTEE***~***~***

Holy crap I haven't updated in a while :o


but i should be back on track now, All the writing with the new bulling love is keeping me busy. o.o AND SPEAKING OF IT..i know you guys are going to hate this..but i'm going to start a new bulling love, same story just maybe new characters. I'm thinking of keeping 'max' and 'jace' just changing 'ella' and 'liam'. I just really love writing the book and i thought it would be fun re-writing it. Idunno. What do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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