Chapter two

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Gerard awoke to a harsh jabbing at his side. He turned and started to fall back asleep. Then, the covers were violently ripped off of the poor boy. Gerard smiled, silently thanking Frankie for choosing his skeleton onesie and not some fucking light weight thin cotton shit. His smile disappeared through, when the poking returned.

"Come on gee." The voice was defiantly male. It also defiantly belonged to his whiny, bossy, annoying, skinny fifteen year old brother. Gerard rolled over, sitting up and opening his hateful eyes. Upon seeing his expression Mikey matches it. Whoever says the Way brothers don't look anything alike could be dammed.

Once Gerard has gotten dressed and Mikey has made him coffee, he doesn't want to bash his head against the wall and he can tolerate his brother enough to help him get his stuff ready for his first day of high school. Gerard kisses his mom on the cheek, hugs his grandmother, and ruffles Mikey's newly straitened hair on his way out the door. He texts Frank telling him he's on the porch waiting but, knowing Frank he's already on the way.

Frank walks up from the right side of the street, smiling slightly until he bounds onto the porch, skipping four steps and almost killing himself. Then, he smiles with his whole mouth.

"You ready to go kitten?" Gerard shakes his head. The young boy not only hated school in general but, the thought of so many animalphobic people made him quiver.

"Hey, hey listen at me," frank started, grabbing Gerard by the O-ring in his collar and pulling him into a hug. "We're going to be fine. I'll be there to protect you against crappy people every step of the day. I promise." Gerard nodded but, Frank could tell his kitten was not convinced.

Kids mulled around chaotically. Frank and Gerard had found their small friend group instantly, thanks to Frank's nose. They all sat by the door considering the popular kids had sat under the tree first. Gerard sat on Frank's lap in the against the brick wall of the school and the others spread out around them.

Frank and Gerard were the only ones mated in their friend group. The mating "process" as most of their parents called it, started the moment you or your mate turned sixteen. The whole "process" ended when you had found your mate and the fertile of the group had gone into the final stage of heat. Then, you two would be mated for life. Gerard and Frank were lucky to live close to each other, that way Frank was able to pick up Gerard sent almost right after he turned sixteen.

The whole friend group consisted of five people including the couple. There's Ray, a dominate brown sheep dog who in human form, has a massive fro. He played guitar like Frank and seemed to be almost too nice for his own good. There's bob, who is a muscular guy. He liked to hit things a lot and had an obsession with cameras. He's a North American bear at heart, blond in color like his hair. Also a dom. Then there was Mikey, Gerard's brother. He's a brown deer, which explained his skittish personality.

"I don't know how we're going to survive this year." Ray said as everyone had settled down after Mikey had got dropped off in his mom's car. "If we thought last year was bad, I saw someone giving me looks for getting my steak raw!" They all nodded sullenly. Ray scratched at the scar on his hand on habit.

A human came out the door and everyone tensed, Mikey shifting closer to the wall and Gee snuggling more into Frank who in turn, hugged him tighter.

Bob's eyes followed who he presumed to be a teacher. She walked with her head high, surprisingly not falling on her face in those shoes from the door, to the gate that surrounded the school. There she unlocked a grey car, pulled out an umbrella, and then proceeded to walk back inside.

Only when the double doors' click sounded would the small group of shifters relax. Even through the possible threat went away Gee stayed snuggled into Frank, knowing that (according to Mikey's watch) they had only five more minuets of peace before the doors opened and they had to go to home room.

Frank shifted Gerard in his lap and leaned more into the circle to talk about their schedules. They all already knew their group would have at least one period together since the school's number of shifters is low and they were all in the same lunch, mixed with the humans. Frank and Ray knew they would have Dom class together too since wolves and dogs are put in the same category.

Gerard was feeling better actually. He learnt he had at least one period with each person in the group and Frank would be there to protect to him eight out of nine periods a day. Maybe, he thought, this year would be better than the last.

When the second bell rang, Frank walked into homeroom first, stopping right inside the door. Looking around, he deemed it safe enough to walk through and yanked a confused Gerard down into their seats, pulling him by the chair and putting a protective arm around his shoulders.

Yeah, Gerard thought, snuggling into Frank, I'll be fine.

Frank sat, knee bouncing and eyes jumping back and fourth between the teacher and the clock. It been only four minutes and Frank is already worrying about Gerard. He glanced to Ray next to him. He seemed perfectly content with relearning the school rules instead of learning anything useful about being a dom. Sure is was the first day and everyone had to relearn the rules but, come on. Frank knew something was wrong and he intended to find out.

Gerard cupped more cool water from the faucet and smashed his hands to his face. He was too stressed. It was not his fault some human boy decided to take fertile class for fun. Gerard should have paid it no mind. It was okay for a human to learn about the culture that seemingly popped up out of no where and Gerard should have paid the boy no mind. But, the stares he was getting were so scary and intense the kid's big eyes seemed evil.

Gee let out a breath, closing his eyes, and turning the water off blindly. He stood up and started whiping off his face with the paper towel that was clutched in his hand. Opening his eyes slowly, his second slow breath was cut short. His hands froze on their trip to the town dispenser next to the sink, feet glued to the floor, and eyes wide as he let out a small shriek.

To be continued


I'm evil! Yeah yeah I know I hate me too. But, I'm still working at how this will end. I promise you I will get the next update in by tomorrow. I'm actually half way done with the second chapter. Votes and comment are always appreciated. I'll see you soon peoples.

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