Chapter thirty

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A/N: *being dragged away from phone to go socialize with family* "HELP ME MY CHILDREN!"

Frank stays close to the Way brothers, tugging his and Gerard's bags all together as he scans the airport for any threats. Mrs. Way walks next to him, talking loudly to Frank's parents, who walk next to her. The group move into the security line. Gerard turns to Frank, who stays at the back of the group.

"I'm tired." He whines, they had to get up at five to be at the air port. Going to bed at three in the morning after a horror motive marathon was not a very smart thing to do.

Frank shifts both of their bags to one arm, leaving one free so he could carry the older boy. Gerard wraps his arms around Frank's neck and his legs around his waist. Humming, Gerard snuggles into Frank and falls into a nap.

Frank lifts the bags in his other arm to his shoulder. He sighs at the sight of the long line ahead of them, opening his phone to play solitaire.

Mr. Iero turns, smiling and taking a picture of the two boys before sending it to his wife next to him.

They're third to go in line and it just occurs to Frank that Gerard will need to wake up to get checked for security. Frank hands their bags to his mom for a moment, grabbing Gerard under the arms, he sets the boy down on his feet, supporting his weight.

"Gee baby, it's time to get up." Gerard stirs, whining and trying to jump back onto Frank.

"No, no, no. We have to get checked in security, then, you may take a nice long nap." Frank's mom goes now, putting the boy's bags with hers onto the conveyer belt.

When she passes through, Frank turns Gerard and reluctantly pushes him in. The young boy growls as the forty something year old man pats Gerard down. But, the bags and him get through no problem and its Frank's turn.

The people take long as usual, patting him over as slowly as possible and avoiding his eyes. Frank looks to Gerard, who stands behind the check point, hands out. He opens and closes his fists, signaling to be picked up. Frank groans.

"Almost done?" He asks through clenched teeth. At that the people let him go. A step outside the check point and Gerard latches back on, sighing as the two families sit down and wait for their plane to be called.

"Flight 841, Washington D.C. Monday, November second Boarding now."

Mikey gets the window seat, next to Gerard, and then Frank. The three parents sit in the middle isle, chatting happily and oblivious to Frank's anxiety. The boy doesn't let up, scanning the plane constantly. Gerard smiles, grabbing Frank's attention by laying a hand on his leg.

"I can't take my nap if you're jittery, sugar."
Frank sighs, leaning back and closing his eyes.

"Sorry." Gerard shakes his head, pushing the arm rest in between them back and resting his head on Frank's shoulder. The boys share earbuds once again and Frank doesn't watch Start Wars for a second time.

The group piles into the cab, Gerard sitting on Frank's lap so everyone else could all have their own seats. The ride is short to the hotel, Gerard, Mikey, and Frank FaceTime Ray to pass time.

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