Chapter seven

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When Frank gets off the plane, holding their luggage in his jaws. He makes Gerard and Mikey flank him close to the head so he can see them at all times. Reporters swarm the people getting off the plane, looking for someone who saw what happened. A man in a suite comes up to them with his camera man.

"This is Sean Stirling reporting on the site of the plane that suffered from the attack, which just landed safely in Florida. Here standing beside me is the boys who apparently saved the plane." The man turns and shoves his mic to Gerard. "So son, how did you do it?" Gerard is quiet for a moment, before he speaks.

"I didn't do it, I sat next to the person who did." The reporter recomposes himself, looking into the camera before answering

"Who did it then?" The reporter says, ready for a clue no one else got. He pulls his lips into his mouth and slightly bounces on the balls of his feet.

"My mate, who has been standing here the whole time, letting me talk." Gerard says, talking out the side of the mouth like he does when he's thinking hard.

He goes to hold the mic to Mikey, who shakes his head and points down. The reporter looks confused for a moment, before looking down to Frank who is sat still, a black duffle bag in his mouth.

He reporter crouches down, gesturing to his camera man to shoot from a worm's eye, to see both of them. Gerard copies him, ready to translate through a mind link.

"You were the one who saved all those people?"
Frank turns his head to Gerard who answers for him.


"Why would you save those people, for most of them were animalphobic?"

"They were people, people's thoughts can be changed, a death count cannot."

"What do you have to say to those people?"

"You need to remember. We all are not humans but, we are all people." The reporter nods, turning his back to them to sign off.

Gerard, Mikey, and Frank walked through the airport, Gerard leading the way. They surfed through the crowd, Gerard aimlessly looking around until he smiles slightly and taps Mikey on the shoulder.

"I found them, come on." Gerard walks to the left, embracing a man, who appears to be in his late thirties before Mikey, who does the same. Don Way looks around before setting his eyes on Frank, who has a mouth full of duffle bag.

"Thank you. I can never express my gratitude towards you. I welcome you into this family with open arms. I don't know what I would do if I lost Mikey and Gerard." He says embracing a humble looking Frank around the neck. Gerard's step-mom comes up to Frank, bearing some clothes from the gift shop.

"We don't know what size you are but hopefully these will fit you. It isn't legal for dom shifters to be in full animal form in Florida. I saw that the bathroom was over there. Why don't you shift and get dressed?" She says taking the bags from Frank and pointing to a bathroom right behind her.

Frank nods, looking to Gerard with a look the says "don't move." Before trotting to the bathroom.

He walks in, pushing the door open with his head. Some men at the urinals shriek, watching him as he walks to the handicap stall. Frank shifts, quickly locking the door and dressing. Walking out of the stall barefoot and running his fingers through his messed up hair.

He walked back out, taking their bags from a struggling Don.

"You don't have to do that."

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