Chapter nine

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When Gerard and Mikey, trailed by Frank, get out of the tunnel, Mrs Way tackles them in a hug. The brothers wrap their arms back around her and they stand like that for a few seconds. Then, Donna turns, pulling Frank into one of the tightest hugs he's ever had. They stay for a while and the mother doesn't have to say anything to express her gratitude.

The trio had been home for about two hours. After he airport, they all went to Frank's house, where they saw his parents. After that they went back to the Way's to sleep off some jet lag.

Gerard lay, nestled in Frank's protective arms, placing soft kitten licks in random spots. Frank learned to roll with Gee's weird ways of expressing love a long time ago.

"So what are you even doing?" He questioned for the five thousandth time. He knew the answer but, it was cute when Gee said it. Gerard pulls his head away from Frank's neck, rolling his eyes but, answering anyway.

"I told you this before. I'm grooming you." He said, turning back into him and moving to where hair had started to grow after a weekend of not shaving by his jugular. "It's a very important process you don't seem to understand."

"Aha." Frank said starting to fall asleep.

His slumber was broken by his phone buzzing loudly.

"Let me get that." He said turning to the bedside table and grabbing his phone. The determined boy in his arms made a sound of annoyance and settled on jumping into Frank's lap, curling around him, and rubbing his tongue all over him.

Frank looked at the caller ID before answering, expecting Bob to be at the other line demanding he come and play video games with him. "Hey Bob. What's up?"

"Hi Frank, this isn't Bob, this is Mrs Bryar. Bob has been in an accident and he would like you to assemble his friends and meet him at the hospital on the parkway." Frank is speechless for a moment, before gathering his racing thoughts and answering.

"Is he okay?" At this Gerard picks up on the conversation and stops his weird affection thing for a second.

"Just come."

When Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Frank open the door to Bob's hospital room, what they see shocks them.

Bob lyes in a shitty made bed, bandages covering his legs and stomach.

"Hey." At the sound of his voice, the boys struggle to find chairs, pulling them up to the bed, ready for him to tell them what happened.

"So, I was jumped. I think someone got a tip I was a shifter because they said some pretty nasty things about us when they started stabbing me. " Everyone held their breath, waiting for him to continue. "So Mom and Dad decided it would be good for us to go visit some relatives in Chicago for a while. Honestly, I agree with them. We're leaving in two weeks, so you guys have enough time to see me before then. Now tomorrow you guys have school so, I want you to go now and visit me soon okay?"

Gerard, with tears in his eyes, agreed.


Okay! So I've been a bit busy lately (if you can't tell by how fucking short these entries are.) But, at least I'm still able to upload every night. Some one out there in the universe may be questioning why I'm writing at 12 o'clock every night. The answer is that actually I have art camp every morning and so mornings are off. So, the only time my family leaves me somewhat alone is at the night time.

Anyway, uploads have been shorter because I'm writing everyday, don't worry this story won't go on hold, even if I die writing, I still really like doing it. All votes and comments are appreciated.
I'll see ya tomorrow peoples.

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