The First Goodbye

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Klaus had been watching and waiting for there to be less people in the Bennett wich's room for him to come knocking. He heard raised voices but Bonnie spelled her room a while ago so that any vampire would only hear muffled conversations. Klaus closed his eyes and tried focusing on one thing...

Caroline's heartbeat.

It was faint and steady, he could swear it was almost nonexistent!
He was stood there leaning against the lamppost for 20 minutes just listening.
When he eventually opened his eyes he saw the Petrova döppleganger storming away from the building being swiftly pursued by the eldest Salvatore brother.

"Well, I guess Caroline's sharp tongue is to blame for the scene before me," he chuckled to himself. He awaited the wonderful sight of pouty Caroline marching in the opposite direction to Elena. He wanted to be a pain for the second time today however she did not come.

(Play music)
Then he heard it, clear as day. A sharp screaming noise that was coming from the Bennett witch's room. He could clearly tell it was Caroline. Her scream awoke something inside of Klaus that he joked about...

Fear: fear of losing someone he loved.
He didn't know why or how but Caroline was being harmed and he must save her. Before he knew it Klaus had shattered Bonnies door and saw his blonde angel red and blistered. Klaus stared daggers at the Bennett witch and was about to interrogate her when the youngest Salvator brother moved in front of him.

"This isn't Bonnie's fault," Stefan began not sure how Klaus would react," something is wrong with Caroline... We think she's dying..."

Those were the words Klaus was dreading. He glanced over at Caroline and moved to her side. Before he could touch her Bonnie raised her voice to warn the hybrid of the danger.

"She's sweating vervain and it's very concentrated." Klaus nodded his head, hearing her warning but dismissed it all the same. Nothing was going to stop him from touching his Caroline. He gently held her hand and got tears in his eyes from the pain.

Thinking quickly he bit into his wrist and tried ro feed her his blood. She coughed it back up.

Defeated, Klaus was determined to keep holding her hand. Stefan sat next to Bonnie as she cried. He let a few tears run down his cheeks as he looked at Caroline.

"FIX HER... NOW!" Klaus demanded.

"I don't know how," Bonnie replied sobbing into Stefan. "The Grimoire doesn't have anything for this!" He rubbed her arm to comfort her though his breath began to hitch in his throat.

"Then think of something!" Klaus cried letting more tears come out from anger and sadness rather than pain this time. "You can't leave me like this." he whispered to Caroline bowing his head.

Caroline's body started to turn grey from her feet up. Klaus noticed this and looked helplessly at the two before him. They were running out of time. Bonnie was the first to say goodbye to her friend.

"You are the most wonderful, kind, funny friend I've ever had Care." Bonnie sniffed as she made her speech. She had to stop because not many words were being formed after a while.

Stefan was next, and he placed his hands close to Carolines hand but didn't touch her. "You are a good person, Caroline. Well find a way to get you back." Stefan inhaled trying to calm his breathing. "You have so much more to give the world"

Stefan moved Bonnie away from Caroline slightly so Klaus could feel as though he was alone with her. Stefan knew what Caroline meant to him, even if he has tried to kill them all...

"This isn't how it was meant to happen, love." tears danced down Klaus's cheeks as he began to speak. "We were meant to torment each other until you finally said you would come to New Orleans with me." He paused to think what he should say next staring at their hands. They were loosely interlocked. There was so much Klaus needed to say...

"Klaus..." Caroline said in a small croaky voice, "make it go away. Please" She was in so much pain she wanted it to just stop.

"Tell me what you need love," Klaus sadly smiled and stroked her hair. He had gotten use to the pain so didn't notice when both hands were red and blistered like Carolines entire body.

"Klaus I'm dying, please end it now," She was so weak that Klaus had to listen very hard to make out what she was saying. When he realised what she said he furrowed his brow.

Stefan tried to protest but Caroline gave him a pained look so he backed down. Klaus looked helplessly at Bonnie so she tried chanting some spells but nothing worked. That's when Klaus left the room. Caroline felt abandoned by him and cried a little. Bonnie sat on the bed opposite the one that Caroline was on thinking about the options in front of her... There weren't many... Stefan was pacing in between the two beds causing Bonnie to feel dizzy so he stopped and joined her on the bed.

The bedroom door opened again and Klaus re-entered with a white Oak stake.

"If you're going, I'm coming with you!" Klaus stated. Caroline's eyes widened as he approached the bed.

"Klaus, my dying wish is for you to stay alive, please don't deny me my dying wish!" She pleaded. Klaus was torn. He wanted to be with Caroline forever but he couldn't deny her this wish.

"I can't lose you Caroline, I love you!" Caroline cried more making Klaus more determined to die too.

Caroline looked over at Bonnie and Stefan, "My dying wish is for him to stay alive," they both nodded knowing what they must do and stood to attention.

"Are you ready love?" Klaus asked his dying love already knowing the answer.

"No, but the pain is unbearable. Please, now." Caroline wept. Hovering above her head they both held the stake. Caroline's fingers were touching Klaus's and she felt happier knowing that he was helping her die.

Then Klaus drove the White Oak stake into Carolines heart releasing her from the prison of pain she was in. Klaus also felt his heart being broken as he plunged the age old weapon into the love of his life. One last tear fell from Carolines eye as she felt no more pain.

"Thank you Nicklaus... I love you..." were her final words. The last words Klaus would hear her say. He lightly kissed her lips and stood straight. Her body that was already turning grey sped up so her crystal blue eyes became grey and lifeless. Her angelic features became stone like and rough. Somehow she managed to still be beautiful though. Klaus backed away from Caroline's body so her friends could see her more.

With out warning Klaus rose the stake again and aimed for his heart and let his fist hit his chest. 'Here I come love' thought Klaus blissfully as he closed his eyes ready for the sweet release of death.

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