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Kindness, patience, bravery, justice, perseverance, determination. And integrity. These are the keys to make the world the best it can be, whether it be the human world or monster. Have the kindness to help those who need it. Have the patience to allow for all the time required to make something great. Have the bravery to stand up to what others are fearing. Have the sense of justice to do what is right. Have the perseverance to push through when things get rough. Have the determination to not give up. Have the integrity to understand that our morals shouldn't just be guidelines.

Now all these traits are, as I said, the keys to a doorway leading to peace and love. But when placed in the wrong hands, they can become the keys to hatred and LOVE.

But a lingering question that most people ask themselves is, "How can I use my abilities to help SAVE the world?" And to that, I say, "It's easy!" It doesn't matter if you're the science geek, the fighter, the cowboy, the cook, the young, or even the dancer.

You are who you are. And the world needs that type of person.

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