Part #3

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We did as we were told. Even Frisk decided to line up... next to me. They sure cling to me, although I still don't recognize them.

"Alright," Flowey announced. "I'll just introduce you in this order. You," Flowey popped up in front of our leading boy in orange. "You are Bravery. Quite a fighter, I must say." Popping to the next kid, Flowey spoke to a boy who always seemed to be close by Bravery, as if he were Bravery's right hand man. "You are Justice, very proud person. Maybe a little on the conceited side..." Justice wore a yellow cowboy hat and held a gun. I don't believe it to be loaded. "You're known as Perseverance." Flowey said to a girl wearing a pair of cloudy glasses and a purple, yet torn, notebook. "You're a very logical thinker. Always finding your way out of sticky situations." Next, the flower went to the boy with the burnt pan. "You're Kindness. I don't think we're going to get along." With that, he quickly came to the other, smaller girl. She had a teal ribbon tied in her hair and a toy knife in her hand. "Y-You are P-Patience," Flowey stuttered. He looked dazed and afraid at the same time. Strange. "You nice." He popped into the ground without another word.

The last person was me, of course. I have no idea why I have this honor, but I had no time to think of a reason before Flowey popped up again, looking just as he had when we first met. "And finally," he said with a smirk. "You're known as Integrity. If I were you all," he motioned to the others, "I would listen and follow her orders." Turning his attention back to me, he added, "You know what is the right thing to do. Now I bet you want to know what your goal is down here, right?" We all nodded. "Well, it's quite simple: you have to find your soul colors and defeat them."

"Soul colors? What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Frisk looked up at me with a cute childish smile when Flowey began to further his explanation of this place. "There are monsters in this Underground of which you will need to defeat. They have a specific colored soul that matches with each of you."

"And how will we know who has our same colored soul?" Perseverance questioned. She had been jotting down every word from the flower's mouth.

"Oh, you'll know. Trust me." Flowey said with a sly smile.

'I don't,' I thought. The kid tugged on my tutu and motioned for me to go with them towards a path. "Well, thanks for the advice, Flowey. We'll be on our way."

"I'll be watching," he replied before hiding into the ground.

Murmuring commenced throughout the group. "Alright," Justice exclaimed. "Let's get going."

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