Part #4

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Toriel hadn't been one of our soul colors. Sure she was the most kind person I've ever met, but her soul didn't shine with pure kindness. Kindness understood that.

I wasn't, however, prepared for the chilling air when we opened the door separating the Ruins from the rest of the Underground. Bravery, of course, led the way through the snow. Frisk clung to my side and tried to hurry me by pulling me towards the front of our group. They stopped in front of a stick that was lying on the ground and made me to pick it up, giggling. The kid some weird attraction to sticks for Frisk was holding one too, just a little bit smaller.

Eventually, we made it to a strange structure. "It's looks like someone was trying to keep us out," Justice said.

I heard a rustling noise from behind us. I was just about to turn around to conclude my suspicions when a voice quickened my actions. "Yeah, my bro made the bars too wide," the male voice said. When I looked to see who was speaking, I was shocked, and strangely intrigued, to find a skeleton wearing a jacket the same color as my tutu and shoes. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he said with a grin. "I'm Sans," he introduced, holding out his hand. "Sans the skeleton."

"Yeah, we can see that," snapped Bravery.

"Heh, a bit hot-headed, are we?" Sans said while Bravery gave him a loud 'Hrmp'. "Well I would've made myself known earlier," he continued, turning his attention towards Frisk. "That is, if someone wouldn't have picked up a certain stick lying in the middle of the walk way."

So that's what Frisk giggling about. I went to look at Frisk and noticed that they had left my side for Sans's. Frisk interrupted Sans's 'Hey, Kiddo' and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the skeleton's side. I gave a suspicious glance at the kid only to find them beaming me a smile. "I'm Integrity," I said, going to shake his hand. "If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a few-"


Everyone turned their full attention on us. I'm sure my bright red face contrasted greatly with my blue clothing. Sans, on the other hand, was trying to contain his laughter. "Old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny."

I forced an angry stare from amongst my embarrassment, but all other emotions went away when I heard footsteps coming towards us. Then, a red scarf came into view.

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