Part #2

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Nobody knew what had happened when we had awaken to the yellow brightness of our surroundings. A sweet fragrance filled the air, and it was then that I realized we sat on a bed of flowers. Buttercups to be exact. The 'we' I was talking about was the five strangely dressed kids around me. I, too, was wearing a strange outfit consisting of a dark blue tutu and ballet shoes of the same color. None of the other kids looked familiar, but that didn't matter; what mattered was finding a way out of wherever we were.

"What a dump," one boy said. He sported a dark orange bandana and a pair of boxing gloves to match. His absence of fear instantly made him our leader. "Well, let's find a way out of this dirt hole." he said as he started to walk down a path he found. Without any reason to object, we followed him.

A tall purple archway led us into a room that only had a stream of light shining down on a yellow flower. Next to the plant, there stood a boy...or was it a girl? The child, nonetheless, wore a striped sweater with blue shorts and brown boots.

"Hello?" a boy from our group called out. He had a stained green apron tied around his front and in his hand he held a frying pan. The child and the flower both turned their attention to our group.

"Howdy," chimed the yellow flower. "This is certainly unexpected. Welcome to the undergrou- hey!"

The flower didn't seem too enthused with the child who had ran their way over to me. They looked up at me with a sweet smile as if they had known me their entire life. The child began moving their hands in quick motions.

"I don't understand what you're doing," I whispered to them. I didn't want to make a big scene.

The child frowned at my words and began walking back toward the flower, tugging lightly on my hand. We stood in front of the irritated plant and in the silence, he took the opportunity to continue speaking. "Okay..." the plant coughed out of awkwardness. "Anyway, as I was saying, welcome to the Underground! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower! Who might all you be?"

"I'm.." Do I even know who I am? "I don't have a name. I don't even know how I got here," and in a low whisper I added, "I also have no clue as to who they are."

Flowey found something I said amusing for the grin on his face grew. "Well I might be able to help with that," he said. "Frisk here," he pointed a vine at the child next to me, "told me that this timeline was going to be different and now I see why. Line up the others and little ol' me will explain everything to you."

So if you hadn't noticed, I am intending on having these parts short so I can update more often and also so the chapters don't drag on.

As always, I love hearing your thoughts so please comment! Also check out my other story Kimeala Fernandes.

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