Part #1

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I've never been one for making many friends. In all honesty, I only have one. Their name is Frisk. I say 'their' because Frisk doesn't choose to identify by a certain gender. They are determined to finish whatever task they set their mind on. I guess that's what I admire about the kid.

Remember how I said people can use those traits for awful things? Well, there's a very gutsy kid who's always picking fights with Frisk and another kid because they're 'different'. As if everyone isn't. Are we not all different in some way? But enough about that brat. There are six others that need to be introduced.

That bully from before actually has a friend, if it's possible to believe me. Yeah, his friend is also a pain in the backside. He's also always bragging about his amazing aim. "Dude this one time I shot a leaf that was blowing in the wind...with my eyes closed." And the girls go wild! No, seriously, they're crazy for him. Beats me as to why that is.

But no girl is as crazy for him as our straight-A classmate. She's as nuts for him as her love for science. I always see her with a notepad and pencil near. One day, I caught her drawing a picture of herself with the Buccaneer Bill. When she noticed my eyes on her paper, she quickly tore it off and stuffed in her pocket. After that, I decided it wasn't polite to let my eyes wander places they don't belong.

Oh, I should probably mention that it's not only girls that love that guy. This really talented (and kinda cute) boy also looks up whenever someone mentions the gunner's name. That boy is a master chef who could make anything imaginable. Usually his kitchen area is destroyed, but that doesn't dampen the taste that hits the tongue when it experiences his cooking. I could use a boyfriend with that talent.

Now, there are three more people I need to mention. Frisk is a very quiet child. They usually use sign language due to their extreme fear of saying something wrong. It's still difficult for me, but I've been working on learning sign language myself. Thankfully, whenever Frisk wants to talk to me, they either dumb down what they're saying or just wait until we're not in public to talk verbally. Yes, Frisk isn't mute.

There's this one kid who looks quite similar to Frisk: Chara. They also prefer to not be distinguished to a certain gender. They're much quieter than Frisk and tend to keep to themselves. It...scares me sometimes. But a cute little girl is almost always next to Chara to add a brightness to Chara's dark nature.

That sweetheart looks to be quite a bit younger than Frisk, Chara, and I. She's always wearing a large bow in her hair and is always seen holding a toy of some sorts. Besides her high energy and contagious giggle, I don't know much about her.

To be completely frank, I don't know much about any of these people, except for their stereotypes. But that was before their true colors shined.

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