I didn't even eat breakfast

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( Y/N's POV)

I wake up to the fresh smell of burning bacon. ( if you don't like bacon feel free to change it)
"Yummy bacon...wait, why does it smell like fir-" before you can go finish your sentence, you hear your mother scream.

You quickly toss your covers off your body and run down to the kitchen.

What you saw made you stand there, frozen. It was a gigantic snake, with the head of a lion. If that's not weird enough it had colorful patters on its face, patterns that look like those Aztec statues you saw in the history museums.
( No one's POV)
Your thoughts were interrupted by your mom






You wanted to disagree, but you thought that would make things worse.

So you quickly grab the keys and start running to the car.

You open the door to the passenger's seat and quickly get in

"Great" you thought "A gigantic snake monster shows up at my house and is trying to kill us, if you're not gonna pay rent, then leave. Ughh I didn't even eat breakfast!"

Your thoughts were interrupted by a vase that went flying out the window.

You decided you're not going to stay outside while your mom was in there with Mr. Snakey

Just then when you walked in, you saw the snake's tail around her neck.

A feeling you've never felt was bubbling inside you. You were angry, no, you were furious.

You were so furious you grabbed anything that was near you, which happened to be a frying pan, with burning bacon.


The monster turned to face you with murderous yellow eyes.

" I HOPE YOU LIKE BACON!" you screamed and threw the frying pan and it hit the monster right in the face.

It howled in pain since there was still hot oil in the pan.

While it was distracted, your mom crawled to you, and you quickly grabbed her hand and ran to the car.

You both quickly got in the car. She started driving fast not caring about the speed limit.

"What was that?!" You asked, still shocked by what had happened.

"There is something I've been wanting to tell you."

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