I find out my "Destiny"

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( Y/N's POV )

I think she was waiting for me to say something, because there was silence for 30 seconds. But what's there to say? Hearing those words made me silently panic.

She breathed a deep sigh.
"You're not...you're not normal."

What did she mean I wasn't normal? I mean I know I not normal, I've been an outcast at almost every school  I've been at, and that's five.

"Look y/n, this might sound crazy, but I Need  you to trust me."

I didn't speak.

"Long ago, in the Aztec time period there was a small village. They lived at the mercy of the Gods. Forced to worship, give up their jewels, and sacrifice people, until the villagers have had enough. All the villagers gathered and were planning to steal back what the  gods have taken. Huehuecoyotl, the god of trickery, heard their plan. He went on to go tell the other gods about the villagers, which made the gods furious. The gods put a curse, that every villager's  generations will grow up to fight the gods to the death."

"That's a lovely story mom." I said

"Y/n it's not a story! Look the reason that snake came to our house was because it was time. It was either go to the camp, or die."

I was shocked, confused and angry.

"So you're telling me I have to go to this camp to fight some ancient gods or die for a thing that I didn't even do?!" I said anger boiling up inside me.

"Y/n I am sorry, but this was going to happen either way, it's your destiny."

Destiny? DESTINY?! Who do these "gods" think they are to send a snake to my house to kill me and make me fight  them for MY life?! No way!

"Mom you can't make me do this! I don't want to go to this camp and fight gods! You're coming with me to right?"

There was a sad look in her eyes.

"You are going with me, right?"

We came to a stop in the beginning of...a jungle? How did we go from (your hometown) to a jungle? Where were we anyway?

"Y/n I-I'm afraid I won't be able to see you anymore." She said as tears filled eyes.

I couldn't speak
"W-what do you mean you won't be able to see me anymore?"

"Here" she said " This is your father's, use it when you most need it."

"What is it for?" I asked

"You'll see when the time comes"

This is all new to me, what's this necklace for? Why can't I see my mom anymore? Why is there a jungle in front of us?

"All your questions will be answered." She said as if she had read my mind.

"In the jungle you will see things that mortals can't see, now go."

"I don't understand why can't you go with me?"

"It's only for warriors, not mortals" she said with a sad look in her eyes.

I hugged her tight like I always did when I was a little girl and I got scared.

We hugged for a good solid minute.

"Y/n please PLEASE don't forget me"

"I won't mom I promise" I said as a tear ran down my cheek.

The moment was interrupted by a loud monstrous hiss.

"Run y/n, RUN!"

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