Becoming a warrior

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Y/N's P.O.V

My heart was pounding, I couldn't breathe. My palms were sweating and my mouth was dry. All I could think of was
Oh no.

My face was blank, all the energy and emotion in my eyes were gone, drained from me as I heard not only my, but my friends names being called out. I drag my feet and force myself to move to the center of the orb. Despite all the horrified stares I received, I managed to sneak a quick glance at the other unlucky warriors. May I say, that was a mistake.

Looking at their faces made me feel ten times worse than I already felt. They all had a cluster of emotions in their faces that made me feel very uneasy.

The confident and strong Andrea now seemed like a shell of herself, fiddling with the skin around her nails so much, little dots of blood started forming where she was picking at her skin. Her usual pale face had turned so discolored and white, she looked as if she came back from the dead.

Instead of Fernando being his mischievous and funny self, he was scared, genuinely terrified. His dark brown eyes filled with sarcasm and light were now wide and black with small tears he was so desperately trying to hide. His heartbeat was racing so fast, you can practically hear it. Since we were in the same position I grabbed his hand and gave him a light squeeze.

"What's wrong, talk to me." I whisper almost desperately.

"I can't catch my breath." Oh no he's having a panic attack.

I was about to tell him something when Eduard grabbed him by the shoulders and said,
"Fernando, look at me. Breathe in and out man. We were chosen for a reason. Maybe we were chosen because we're the best, hell, maybe we were chosen to make the Gods pay for what they did! But whatever the reason, don't start giving up on me, you hear me?" Fernando slowly nodded and wiped his eyes. Slowly he started to lowly chuckle.

"That's the spirit." Said Eduard, but there was something off with him. Maybe it was the fact that he wasn't scared or tense, or that he was standing straight with his head held high, but it was what he said after that made me realize he was just fine.
He looked at all of us in the eyes and said,
"We'll beat the Gods one way or the other."
How this timid, relaxed kid came up with a motivational speech in such a short amount of time, I don't really know, but what I do know is that he seemed to really believe we could beat the Gods and let's just say it gave us the confidence we needed.

Andrea started to smirk while Fernando started to laugh, and I just smiled.

"Everyone meet your new warriors!"

~le time skip to the next day~

After we were announced as the new warriors a lot of campers wished us luck and offered to help us train. We were also told that the tournament is "exactly a month away" which is VERY little time but hey, what can you do? After that we went back to our cabin and immediately passed out.

We all awoke to the sound of someone knocking on our door.

"Who disturbs my BEAUTY SLEEP?!" Says Fernando as he gets up to open the door to a lady with a covered eye.

"Is this the cabin of the new warriors?" She asks with a gentle voice.

"Hmmm depends--Ow OWW!"

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