A Tour Around Campus

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(Nobody's POV)

They all stared at each other in silence.
"Uhh well I suppose we should introduce ourselves I'm- FERNADO HOW YOU DOING?"

Said the boy with caramel colored hair, interrupting the curly dark haired boy.

The curly haired boy glared at Fernando.

"Anyway that's Fernando, and I'm Eduard" he said pointing to the boy with a mischievous smile, then pointing at himself.

"Ignore the boys, they're Always like this. I'm Andrea by the way." She said extending her hand for you to shake.

You smiled and shook her hand.

"How are you feeling? Do you remember anything?" Asked Eduard.

"Eduard, you worry too much, it's hilarious!"

"Shut up Fernando!"

"Why don't you come here and make me Mr. Smartpants?"


"Oh yeah?! I least I have knowledge! Unlike you!"

"You wanna fight Edy?!"

Eduard and Fernando kept on fighting, completely ignoring Andrea.

"GUYS!" screamed Andrea, her golden eyes appearing orange from rage.

"Sorry" the boys said in unison.

"Anyway, you think you can walk?" Asked Andrea

"I think so." You replied

"Alright, let's see."

"Uhhh what?"

"Stand up."

You stood up and immediately felt dizzy

"Woah! You ok?" Asked Fernando as he caught you.

"Yeah I-I'm fine."

"Come on, we'll show you around campus." Said Andrea

~Time Skip~

"And that's your cabin." Said Andrea

"Do I have it all by myself?"

"Actually that's our cabin, and you're staying with us." Said Eduard while rubbing his neck sheepishly.

You were looking around the camp and by some trees you saw eight people that looked like they had just survived a war. They all had scars all over their bodies, and one person had a mechanical arm.

"Who are they?" You asked

"Who? Oh they're the warriors of the past two years. They're the one's who fought the gods, and lost." said Eduard.

"Let me just tell you sweetheart, no one, and I mean no one has ever beaten the gods." Said Fernando

"We have no professionals in this camp, we only have the fallen warriors. They train and prepare us in case we get chosen." Explained Andrea

"So what  happens if someone beats the gods?" You asked

"We don't know, that's never happened before. Even if it did, it won't be good."

(Fernando's POV)

Yeah yeah we've all heard that before, no one ever beats the gods blah blah blah warriors blah blah blah all this talking is making me tired! Even uncomfortable.

"Hey guys it's been a long day, so why don't we just go inside and talk about you know...something else other than gods and warriors and get to know each other better huh?"

"Well we should be getting inside it's getting dark."

"YES! Andrea is right let's go inside!"

"Hey maybe we should tell Y/N the techniques and strategies about training and-"

"Eduard! My man we could do that tomorrow, it's not like  she's going to train right now!"

"Ha yeah you're right." Said Eduard sheepishly.

"Alright, after you m'ladies." I said as I opened the door for Andrea and Y/N.

"Come on Eduard!" I said a little impatient


HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL READERS! I don't really know about this chapter. Was it good? Leave a reply in the comments

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