Oh no

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(No one's POV)

They were all walking to the central orb, since that's where they had dinner. The walk was painfully quiet, no one muttered a word. The only sound there was, was the sound of pebbles, leaves, and twigs crunching beneath their feet.

You were still shocked and confused.
Why did everyone go quiet? Why was Fernando so scared?

As always, you were so deep in thought you didn't notice you arrived at the central orb. You saw many people, each different in their own ways. The sound of laughter and talking filled your ears. You felt peace, and hope, you've even forgotten that you almost got impaled not that long ago.

"Fernando we need to talk." Whispered Andrea

"I agree."

"Yeah okay."

"Where are you guys going?" You asked

"Y/n go get some food, we'll be back." Said Andrea with a serious tone.

You felt uneasy but you nodded and they left. You walked over to a man who was serving food. Since you guys arrived late, mostly everyone had gotten their food.

The man was tall, about 6'3, with tan skin, thick black hair put up in a bun, and some stubble . Probably around his late 20s.

"Hi" you said

"Ahhh you must be the new camper right? My name is Gustavo, the camp's best AND only chef!"

"Oh hello Gustavo I'm y/n, nice to meet you." You said with a friendly smile while extending your hand.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said while he kissed your hand. "You must be starving! Here let me serve you something."

You couldn't help but quietly laugh at how fast he served you a plate of food. He had served you rice, steamed vegetables, and a piece of meat. You didn't notice how hungry you were until you felt your jaw clench at how delicious the food looked. You quickly grabbed the plate and thanked Gustavo.

Y/N/ P.O.V

Okay I got my food, now I just need to find a place to sit. It can't be that difficult. After all, the tables are almost empty, mostly because almost everyone finished their food.

I quickly sit in a table and start eating. The food is DELICIOUS. While I was eating I saw three figures walking up to me.

"Hey Y/N."
"Oh hey guys! Took you long enough. I see you already got your food." I said while chewing on the rice.
"Yeah I see you got yours too, Y/N." Said Andrea
"Mind if we sit here?" Asked Eduard.
"Of course not go ahead"
"Thanks" he replied with a friendly smile.

We talked for at least five minutes about random stuff. Fernando was a bit nervous and not that hyper as he usually is, but I decided to ignore that. Just as I was about to take the last bite of my rice a loud, clear, deep voice was heard.


Of course, me and the others were already there, and slowly the other campers started to show up. Once everyone had arrived I saw a short, chubby man making his way towards the middle of the central orb.
"Who's that?" I asked Andrea.
"That's Itzel, the camp's 'principal' as he likes to call himself." She replied while doing air quotes at the word principal.
"Good evening everyone!" The man said " I do apologize for this short notice, but as the speaker said, it is a very important announcement. The gods have chosen the four lucky warriors that will be participating in the annual tournament."

Fernando quickly stood up and said, "What?! They've already chosen?! But the fall equinox hasn't even arrived yet! The gods always choose the warriors after the fall equinox!" Many people in the crowd nodded and whispered to their friends.

"You are right my boy, but for some reason the gods have chosen to pick the warriors earlier this year." He said.
Fernando slowly sat back down.
"Now if you'll allow me, I shall now read the names of the four warriors." He said while taking a slip of paper our of his pockets. Everyone in the camp was nervous, it was written in their faces. Many people bit their lip, fiddled with their fingers, or twirled their hair.

Before he spoke he cleared his throat. "The name of the campers that I read off this paper, shall stand up and walk to the center of the orb."
"Very well let's begin." I could feel the nervousness. At first I wasn't nervous, but now, seeing everyone mad me so nervous, I started to bite my nails.

"Now the campers that will be participating in the tournament shall be...

Fernando Flores

Eduard Castillo

Andrea Rai


Y/N L/N! Please come up!"

Everyone was looking at me with eyes filled with horror. My heart was pounding, I couldn't breathe. My palms were sweating and my mouth was dry. What kind of luck do I have that I get chosen the first week of being here. I can feel people staring at me, they felt scared for me, they pitied. I slowly stood and walked to the center of the orb. It was deadly silent, all I could think of was
Oh no...

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