Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. Waking up at six in the morning is that last thing that I wanna do right now. I'm surprised my parents are actually letting me attend a public school. I've been to private schools my whole entire life and now because able to dress and act how I want, is just amazing. I am a bit nervous though. It's good that I already made two friends but I already have a person who's been bugging me. That curly haired guy, I don't even know his name.

I groan and get out of my bed and immediately regret it when the cold air touches my skin. I shrug it off and walk into my large white bathroom.

{skip shower scene because no one gives a shit about her shampooing okay next...}

I step out of the shower and make my way back into my room and debate on what to wear. I don't want to wear something that'll draw too much attention but I want something that'll have people saying "wow, I really like what she's wearing."

After about five minutes of debating on my choice of clothing i blow dry my long blonde wavy hair and leave it down naturally. After that, I walk back over to my be to wear my clothes are laid out neatly. Grabbing a hold of my navy blue dress with white polka dots, slipping it on. It's tight around the waist but flows out near the bottom and reaches to just about my knees. Finishing it off with my grandmothers diamond necklace that she's had since she was a teenager, and my white flats.

I take one last look in the mirror and decide it's time to go downstairs.

My parents are never home in the morning because they have to leave early to get to work on time so I grab an apple and eat it in silence on the island counter in the kitchen.

After I finish my apple I grab my house keys and head for the door to get on my bike. The bike ride to school only takes about 10 minutes so it's not that bad.

After parking my bike and entering the school building chattering and people standing around their lockers is all I see and hear. Seems like a lot of these people don't have a good choice of vocabulary because I'm pretty sure I heard 'fuck' or 'ass' over a hundred times in my first two minutes here. I have to find the main office.

Hurrying my way to find the door that will be labeled to be my destination, I see Tiffy. I decide whether or not to go up to her but I really need to find this office.

I found it finally.

Walking in the office I see a brown skinned woman maybe in her late twenties greet me with a smile.

"Hello. You must be Bethany Collins." She says and hands me an envelope. "We don't usually get students in here in the middle of the semester but I wish you the best of luck!" She says just a little but too cheery but she seems nice.

"Yes, I am. And yea, I'm hoping it won't be so bad." I truthfully tell her

"I'm sure you'll do for. Looking at your records, you're a straight 'A' student and haven't gotten any records of misbehavior." She tells me.

I smile and nod.

"Have a good day." I tell her ad turn to walk away. I wasn't watching where I was going and hump into something hard fall to the ground.

"Hey! Watch where the fuck you're going!" Someone yells. That voice sounds familiar. I look up and see the boy that was being rude to me last night at the carnival on the beach.

I pick myself up and he stares at me. I don't say anything but tun to walk away.

"You know, a sorry would be nice." He says and I turn to look at him.

"I-I'm sorry." I stutter. He doesn't stop staring at me but instead he looks down at my necklace and narrows his eyebrows.

Before he could say something a middle aged man comes behind him and speaks.

"Harry! How many times do I have to tell you to stop being rude. Haven you learned from the detention I've given you three times this week?" He almost yells.

Harry. That's his name.

He rolls his eyes and I didn't realize that I was still looking at him. I turn around to walk out the door but a voice stops me.

"Bethany-" The principle, I'm assuming he is starts to speak. "Harry will be your tour guide, I hope you like it here at ridgeway."

"Fuc-" Harry begins but than closes his mouth before he gets into anymore trouble.

"Thank you' Mr-" I squint my eyes to try to read his name tag.

"Brown." He answers for me. I nod and smile and make my way out of the door.

Waiting for Harry to come out and lean myself against the wall. When he walks out he holds his hand out and waits impatiently.

"W-what?" I ask him. Not really sure of why he's holding his hand out.

"Your schedule. I need to see it so I can show you where you're going. And do you always stutter?" He asks kind of rudely.

"No." I simply answer.

He let out a sigh and opens up the envelope and scans the paper than looks back up at me and clears his throat.

"We have art together." He says. "And English class."

"Oh. But I'm in advanced English." I tell him.

"And.." He begins. "You think I'm too stupid to be in advanced English?"

"What? No, no, I didn't mean-" I begin be walks away, not giving me a chance to finish.

I'm guessing I have art first because I can smell the paint from all the way down the hall.

We walk into the classroom and all eyes stare at us. After a couple seconds after Harry leaves to go to his station all of the students go back to doing there work. The teacher, Mr. Smith greets me and tells me to take any seat. I decide to sit all the way in the back corner so I can have my own space.

I look over to where Harry is sitting. He's sitting next to a boy with blonde hair and a lip piercing with tattoos showing a little under his black shirt. The blonde taps Harry's shoulder and nods his head in my direction and I look away immediately but I can still hear them.

"Who's that?" The blonde asks Harry.

"Why do you care?" Harry bodily responds.

"Dude, she's fucking hot." He laughs while he answers. No one has ever called me 'hot' before. Harry doesn't answer and I ignore the comment and focus my attention on the teacher who is showing us how to perfectly draw a tree.

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