Chapter 81

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Beth's POV

"I'll be right back." I tell him as I open the car door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" He grabs a hold of my hand, making me turn back to look at him.

"I can handle her, I've done it many times before and if this gets any worse, I'd rather not have company if she screams at me." He doesn't Argue or anything as he lets go of my hand and I get out of the car.

My mother hasn't been answering my phone calls for almost two weeks. I know she is angry; but I don't think that ignoring your own daughter for making a wise decision is inevitable for this type of situation. It's immature and I don't want her to be angry anymore. I'm hoping that when I walk up to that front door she won't slam it in on my face. I'm hoping I can sit down and just tell her how well I'm doing with my new living arrangements with Harry.

My heart races what feels like a mile a minute each step I take the the large front porch. I knock lightly on the door and wait for her to answer.

When the door opens I expect to see my mother but it's Gloria. Her bright smile fades when she sees me and she nods her head towards inside the house. I follow her inside and she sets down the broom she was holding.

"Is everything okay?" I ask. Her sudden mood change when she noticed my presence seemed a bit off.

She shakes her head and holds up one of her hands. "Oh, everything is fine. You're mother just isn't home." She says slowly.

"When will she be back?"

She stutters on her words. "I-" just as she speaks a little girl comes running towards me and Gloria. She looks about five years old and she tugs onto Gloria's pants.

"Mommy, can I have a snack?" She says in a sweet voice.

Questions cloud through my mind.

Where is my mother? Why is there a little girl here? Calling Gloria mommy?

"Give me a moment, honey. Go finish watching your cartoons." She pats her daughter on her back and she leaves into the back living room.

"I don't know when she will be back." She cuts to the chase right after her daughter leaves sight. "She packed a few bags and said she needed to get away for awhile."

What? Get away?

"What?" I almost yell but keep it down when I remember the little girl is in this home as well. "Where did she go? Do you know?"


Of course.

"It's in Plagworth, about a two hour drive from here." She tells me. "You didn't know in guessing?"

"She hasn't called me in nearly two weeks." I suddenly feel embarrassed. "I'm gunna go," I turn away from her and pace towards the door.

"I'll tell your mother you stopped by."

"No need," I wave a hand towards her. "She wouldn't care to know," I fake a laugh and slam the house door shut behind me.

Harry POV

It's fucking hot in this damn car! Beth wanted the windows down but I'm rolling them up and putting on this damn air condition.

Right when I do, I see the front door of her house opens. The decorative shit her mum had on the door jingles loud and almost falls off when she slams the door shut. She grabs a fist full of her hair and moves it away from her face as she looks to be stomping her way back to the car.

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