Chapter 36

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( here's the second update 😊

Warning: this chapter contains sexual content, read at your own risk.)

Harry's POV

We stayed on the sofa and watched movies all day. The variety of movies exchanged throughout the hours. We would go from watching drama to horror to comedy to action. Almost eight hours of sitting on my ass and watching movies sure makes you worn out.

I insisted on going out to dinner but she wouldn't agree and wanted to have the left over pizza we are earlier instead.

"I should probably get home," she stands from the couch.

I spent almost all day with her, I don't want her to go. I grab her hand and she looks at me.

"Or you could stay." I smirk and pull her down to sit again and she does. "You said your moms not coming home until tomorrow, right?" She nods . "So you'll stay?"

"Okay," she says and I smile. I Just as I lean into kiss her a knock is heard at the door and we both turn our heads over to look at the door.

I groans and gets off the couch and walk over to the door.

"Can I help-" what the fuck?

"Oh, don't be so shocked. I want you so c'mon." She tries to push past me but I stand guard and she unable to get past.

"Tiffy," I warn her through gritted teeth. The anger inside of me is boiling and I'm about to fucking expload.

She puts her hands on my chest and I quiver from her touching me.

"Harry," Beth calls and Tiffy's eyes meet mine. "Is everything alright?" She's says and Tiffy's gaping mouth turns into a smile.

She pushes past me and she starts walking towards Beth before stopping in her tracks and turning back to look at me.


Beth's POV

"Harry," I call out to him. I try to look over him but I can't seem to see past his broad shoulders. "Is everything alright?" I ask and stand from the couch.

A couple seconds later of no response I see someone push past him. My eyes widen as the person comes closer. Tiffy.

She walks closer to me before stopping and looking back at Harry.

"You guys fucking now?" She laughs and Harry doesn't say anything. none of us answer her as I think we're both in shock.

She walks closer to me and circles around me like I'm some sort of prey and she's ready to attack. She leans in towards me and her mouth is near my ear.

"It's my turn," she whispers and I could almost feel her smile next to me.

"Tiffy, get the fuck out." Harry opens the door wider for her to leave but she doesn't.

"Ya know, Harry," she continues circling around me. My eyes never leave Harry's as his body tenses and I could almost see the redness rising from his neck the more she ignores his request. "I didn't think you'd want someone like this one. Ya know, all gentle and all." She picks a strand of hair off of my shoulder and I move back, she chuckles.

"Tiffy, I swear on my fucking life if you don't get out I'll-"

"What are you gunna do? Hit me? Call the cops? Or will you just plan something to ruin my life?" She smiles and Harry's face drops.

"Get the fuck out." He walks over to the both of us. He grabs her arm tightly and she winces from the pain. He pushes her slightly out of the door before slamming it shut. He faces the door and I could hear his heavy breathing all the way from over here.

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