Chapter 9

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The ride to my house was quiet and awkward. Good thing my parents aren't home, I'm sure they aren't very fond of Harry considering of his appearance and no future plans.

We enter the large house and I immediate make my way upstairs to where my bedroom is. I open the door that lead to my room and plop myself on the bed and harry takes the desk chair to sit on.

After a few seconds of silence he begins to talk.

"I..I don't know where to start" he looks at the floor.

I let out a deep sigh and look at him.

"Why do you call me princess?" My voice cracks as the words come out.

He chuckles a little. "Look around you.-" he begins. "You're surrounded by money, diamonds and luxury."

I try to hold back my tears and I put my face into my hands, not being able to hold them back any longer.

"Just go." I manage to say trough a hiccup from my crying.

Suddenly I feel the space on my bed sink in and a hand on my back.

"Look at me." He demands.

I look up at him and he frowns and licks his lips.

"Why are you crying?" He almost whispers. I shake my head and get up from my bed and turn to walk to the door but he pulls me by the arm. I turn to face him and lose control of myself.

"Do you not see that's I don't want this?! I don't want any of this! It means nothing to me.." I start off but e interrupts.

"Beth-" he grabs tried to touch my arm.

"No! Stop touching me." I yank away and his eyes go dark.

"This..." I wave my arms around me. "Means nothing me! It's not me, none of it. I mean, I wear the same shoes almost everyday because I want to! I ride a bike instead of driving an expensive car that my parents have been trying to buy me. They plan my future, I'm stuck here." I stop talking to take a breath. I walk over to the bed and sit down to try to control myself.

"Beth-" Harry begins to speak.

"I'm not done." I put my hand up telling him to stop.

A few seconds of silence, I try to comprehend and think of the next thing that I'm going to say.

"The only thing I wanted to do when I came here was to fit in. For people to not judge me for what I was born into. But you did, you judge me everyday for it and it breaks me apart." There's no more tears coming out but my voice still sound weak.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He puts his index finger and thumb under my chin to make me look at him. His eyes are filled with hope and..sadness?

"I'm sorry that I make you cry. My first impression of you wasn't all that great." He admits.

I look down at my hands and twiddle my thumbs until he speaks again.

"Please- just stop looking away from me." My eyes shoot up to look at his.

"You have no idea how much of a fucking asshole I am." His choice of words still throw me off a little.

"I'm sorry that I call you princess and treat you like shit most of the time."

I nod and accept his apology. "I forgive you."

He nods and speaks again.

"I'm surrounded by the same things everyday. As you can tell, I live alone. My mom married Abby's dad last year, they're filthy rich as you can tell; I don't want that either. I don't want their money or their pity, so I moved out and got my own place." I can't help but think how much me and harry are alike. It's makes me smile.

"Why are you smiling?" He smirks a little.

"You're not really who I expected you to be." I admit.

"What do you mean?"

"The pericings, the tattoos, you live alone and your so caring to me right now."

"Your not what I expected either. Most girls would flaunt their daddy's money any chance they'd get." He smiles and I smile back.

I didn't realize that we were looking at each other for a good ten seconds. I shake my head slightly and close my eyes quickly and open them back up and look towards the door.

"Umm, I'm hungry." He's still looking at me, I can see him at the corner of my eye.

"Oh, wanna go back to IHOP?" He suggests. My stomach is screaming yes but my mind thinks of a better idea.

"Nah, let's find something downstairs." I run towards my door and quickly pace down the long hallway and walk down the stairs.

Once I reach the kitchen I open up the large mahogany cabinets and pull out pancake mix and show harry the box and he shrugs.

"IHOP had the best pancakes."

He says.

"Probably, but you never know until you try your own." I smirk.

"Okay well I'll just sit here" he turns to walk to the island and pulls out a stool.

"Uh-uh- not so fast-" I wave my finger back and forth and he gives me a confused expression.

"We're making these...together."

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