Chapter 100

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( GUYS! Can we just take it in that we have reached 100 chapters!!? Oh my gosh!, I cannot believe how far this story has gone! Thank you for reading and voting and everything that you beautiful people doooo!"

Anyway, here's the update! :)x )

Songs for the chapter:

One Direction- 18

5sos- the only reason

Miley Cyrus- Adore you

Beth's POV

NYU with Harry? But didn't he rip up his acceptance letter? I didn't even get accepted.

He wouldn't have gone to Board and beg for them to accept me did he? I don't think he would do that. But knowing Harry, he's been trying hard to make things better for me that I can't really not believe it.

"What?" I ask him. I just need to hear him say again. For some weird reason, I feel like my head just might be jumbling up some words or something.

I hear a light chuckle coming from him before he speaks. "Will you? I won't go unless you do."

So my mind wasn't playing games...

"How?" My mind is piling up with all sorts of questions. "You went to the board?"

"Yes." I can sense a smile on his lips as he still lays with his hands behind his head staring up at the dark ceiling. The only light that is visible is the dim light coming from my heart monitor that still keeps beeping annoyingly. "I showed them your sketches."

My sketches. That's why he's been wanting to look at them so much; I just can't believe that I didn't have any clue that he would do something like this. Maybe it's because I didn't ever think that someone would go through such extreme measures for me.

"I can't believe you did that." I can feel my throat starting get a little tight from me trying to hide the emotions that's are dying to come out.

"You keep saying that, you know." He says. "You should know by now that I'd do anything for you."

My fingers trail down the ring that is still placed on my finger. I twirl it around my finger while I bite down on my bottom lip. Then my hand grabs my empty wrist that still feels so naked ever since I took the bracelet off.

"I know." Is all I can say.

I think about college with Harry and what it would be like. What would he major in? Will we just get another apartment off campus or will be have separate dorms? I start to think that we will have those days where he would let me sleep in without telling me to have me miss my classes. How he might sneak into my dorm room without me knowing and I'd wake up with his arm wrapped around my waist and my back pressed against his chest. I think about graduating with degrees with him and just achieving everything that I ever wanted to do.

He may have destroyed pieces of me but he has also put back so many broken ones that happened before he even entered my life. He makes me feel smart and beautiful for all of the smallest things. I was a completely different person before I met him and I don't think I can ever tell him with words how thankful I am for him having such a huge impact. My heart has never felt so full and I have never smiled and laughed so much in my life. I can't picture myself with anyone else ever. He's the only person that I see in my future and i only hope that I am the same with his.

I want nothing more than to be with him. forever.

"What's the matter? Are you not tempted?" He says. I can't help but laugh and burry my head into my pillow.

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