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I've been noticing that I haven't been getting much comments and votes lately on the last two chapters. I don't want you saying that I'm "thirsty" or anything for asking but you have to realize that getting those small comments and just a tap to give me a vote means so much to me! It lets me know that you guys are enjoying this! If I don't think anyone is liking it or commenting on how they felt or what they think should happen..what's the point of finishing this story? Of course I want to finish it but motivation really helps me continue on with this one! I know right now Beth and Harry aren't all lovey dovey but going through the journeys that they're going through is what we all go through when we read a book or watch a movie! Not everything has a happy ending, not saying that this one won't, but there will and always will be some type of drama in fictional stories because that's what we all face in real life!

Okay, I'm done with my rant on that haha

But PLEASE, please comment and vote on the last two chapter to tell me how to feel! Let me know if you enjoy it, let me know if you're hating it..however you feel just tell me :)

ALSO! One more thing:

So let me just say, again, haha that I really really thank you all for reading this story! As some as you may or may not know, this story wasn't mine at first. The first chapter was completed by one of my closest friends and after that one chapter she told me she didn't want to finish. Being me, I put myself in there by asking her if she would mind if I l were to finish it! She tells me all of the time how happy she is how the story turned out but I just want to give her some credit for coming up with the title, character names, giving me a couple ideas in the beginning, making some of the covers, and everything else she has done for me to carry out the journey she already started!

Wow. This is long haha okay I'm done! The next chapter will be up in a few days and I'm hoping you'll love it

love you, always!xx

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