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Okay! I know I have already mentioned this before but Temptation Is so close to ending. I still have two endings in mind and I'm having a difficult time figuring out with one I'd like to go for! If I were to guess, I would say there is about maybe 4 or 5 chapters left...
BUT BUT BUT!!!.. Don't be sad! I already have another Harry related story that I want to begin when Temptation ends. I will put up the description soon along with a cover and all that good stuff so you can all add it if you'd like. After a long, and thoughtful day of thinking of a title for I've coming to the conclusion..
It will be called... (Drumroll pls) ..
Haha I know it's a little different and all but the story line is just incredible and I hope you will all like it :)
I love you! Thank you for all of the support and I hope you continue the support until Temptation is over and onto Woods as well.
Please comment & vote on the latest chapter of temptation, it'll make me realllyyyyy happy 😊

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