You Walkout On Him

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Sheamus- "This is my last one" Sheamus slurs, you roll your eyes. He drank a 12 pack of Guinness while watching a soccer game on tv.
"You're gonna get sick." You scold him. "Shhh!" He hushes you. You roll your eyes at him. "I'm not going to take care of you when you're hungover." You say and start to walk away.
"Fine. I do not even need you!" He yells. Your heart sank by his words.
You put on your shoes and grabs the keys to leave. When you get in the car and start pulling out. Sheamus opens the front door to call you inside. By the time he walked to the driveway, you already left.

Finn Bálor- "Do you want to go to dinner?" you ask Finn.
"Watch a movie?"
"I'm busy."
"When are you going to put down those Legos and start paying attention to me, your own girlfriend?" You ask trying not to explode on him. He continues putting together the tiny pieces of Legos.
"Whatever." You mumble and leave to go to you friend Enzo's house.

Cesaro- "Babe, how to I look?" You ask him.It was date night, so you wanted to look nice. "You look great." He answers not even turning his head to look at you. He has been 'getting dressed' for over two hours.
You did not even look." You reply annoyed. He did not answer, so you just took off in the car to get yourself food.

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