Too much said

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Chapter 12

-Megan's P.O.V-

I began to feel a little dizzy as the 'Smiley Juice' started to kick in. My head felt lighter and I saw coloured spots dance around the room. I began to grin madly and hummed Move Your Feet by Junior Senior while bopping my head side to side. "The drugs in effect, you have around two minutes before she will just break out into fits of laughter." I saw the man in the lab coat exit the room, leaving me with the familiar figure who kept to the shadows.

"Heya dickhead, hows you day going." I said in a strangely happy tone, not meaning to do so.

"Can you tell me how you got your friend out of the truck?"

"She flew! Hahahaha." I felt my sanity slipping away.

"Stop stalling! How did Hannah get out of the truck." Suddenly things got serious.

"Wait, how do you know her name?" The figure remained silent. "So, you knew me and Hannah. Hahahahahahaha. Must of known us well, hahahahahahahahaha." Then  I couldn't hold it in, I burst out and couldn't stop laughing. That's when I was taken back to my cell and got some crazy looks off Adam and Nicole. "Megan, are you okay?" I heard Adam say but I couldn't answer because I just kept laughing. This continued for around ten minutes until the drug wore off. I took deep long breaths and was exhausted from the amount of laughing. I held my chest as I got up off the floor. "Megan?" I looked over to Nicole and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine now."

"What happened?"

"They gave me some sort of drug in an attempt to get me to talk. Didn't go to plan." Then I remembered what the person said last. They know Hannah's name... They must of known me and Hannah before all this. But who?

-Hannah's P.O.V-

After me and Red got re-acquainted, I left with Collin to training. "Lets see if your still any good at sword fighting." Collin tossed me a training sword and I grabbed the handle. He got straight into fighting, leaping towards me. I blocked his attack then kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back a block. I tried attacking him from the side but he blocked and hit the sword out of my hand. "Needs a little word but good and I know exactly who you can train with!"

"Wait train with?"

"Yeah, I have someone else who's new to my army and I'm sure you too will get along."

"Well okay then." Collin walked out for a few minutes and returned with a girl who looked around my age. She had long silver hair and icy blue eyes with little flecks of silver in the iris.

"Hannah this is Annabeth, she'll be training with you."

"Hi Hannah."

"Hi." We shook hands and we started training straight away. We first did some simple dueling before moving onto the archery. I think that Collin was taking this all a little seriously but I went along with it. When we got a break for lunch I talked to Annabeth. "So what did you do? Before you joined the army?"

"Well, I lived in a central city a few chunks away. It got taken over by the followers of Notch. I tried to help the armed forces around the city but I found out that my best friend was on Notch's side. I couldn't hurt her so I ran from the city and found refuge here." I nodded.

"I'm sorry about your friend."

"Its okay, so your best friends with MegaBrine huh?"

"Yeah, She sent me here so I wasn't hurt."

"What do you mean?"

"Well me and her got kidnapped by some guys back on earth. She summoned a portal and brought me here. She stayed behind to try and find out who the people were and said she'd return here when she has."

"Oh right, so how long will she be?"

"I don't know, according to Collin time goes quicker here then back home."

"Who's Collin?"

"HeroBrine, I call him Collin."

"Oh. So do you two go out?"

"Well we used to, when I was last here we did."


"Well, I don't know if he feels the same anymore. For me its been three months since I last saw him. But to Collin, its been two years."

"That's bad. Do you still love him?"


"Well, you should show him that you do."


"Don't worry, I will help you out."

Herobrine Experience II: VengeanceWhere stories live. Discover now