New People

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Chapter 13


-Megans P.O.V-

It has now been a week since I got here and there has been no more hints towards who the mystery boss is. They have tried all kinds of new techniques to try and get me to talk but non of them have worked. I have kept my lips sealed. Today I have been talking to Adam and Nicole about Minecraft and Nicole was talking about her last big build.

"It was a large ice sculpture of a man. Around seven hundred blocks wide on each side and nine hundred high. It took me around a month to get it done and it was harder because I didn't have world edit."

"Sounds amazing, when we get out of here. You gotta show me and the rest of team crafted!"

"Sure Adam!" We were acting quite casual and we were used to living in the cells. It was funny at some points like yesterday we had done a pretend smack cam on one of the officers. I had gotten porridge that day and a guy was walking past. So I got a big clump of my food then smacked it into his face. We all burst out laughing, of course I got punished for it but it was so worth it! So when ever that guard walks past, they always walk on the other side of the corridor.

But today was different, two of the main guards were missing and the other two didn't notice. I heard the double doors open on the other side of the hallway then walked over to the bars. I saw the two men dragging along a girl. She had long wavy hair, a ItsAwesome t-shirt, shorts and platform shoes. They put her in the cell opposite Adam, she got up then looked at the three of us.

"Heya, I'm Megan. This is Adam and Nicole. Whats your name?"

"I-I'm Julia."

"So how'd you get here?" Nicole asked her.

"I was driving home from buying a new headset when those goons stopped their van in front of my car. So I got out and started shouting at them to move then they toss me in the back and here I am." After we shared our stories with her I said. "Your voice sounds familiar."

"I'm ItsAwesome off YouTube."

"Oh yeah! How could I forget!" Julia smiled at my reaction. "Congratulations on getting two million subs last week!"


"And don't worry, it ain't half bad here. Sure were stuck here but we sometimes pull pranks on the guards and we chat a lot."

"What ever you say."

-Hannah's P.O.V-

Collin was right, time difference sucks. It has been nearly a month here and theres no sign of Megan. I sigh and look out the window, admiring the beautiful scenery. "What you doing?" I turn and see Annabeth standing behind me.

"Just thinking."

"Worrying about MegaBrine?"

"Yeah." Before she could re-assure me, a loud explosion came from downstairs. I pulled a iron sword off the mount and Annabeth does the same. We walked down the stairs and I peeked round the corner to see men in chain mail flood in from the hole in the wall. "How many?" She asks.

"Fifty at the most."

"Great, this is what happens when HeroBrine goes on a Business trip." She looks at me. "Ready?"

"As ever." I smile. We turned the corner and I knock out the nearest soldier.  It got the rest of the groups attention, they ran towards us and we began the game. Yes I said game. Because this isn't the first attack. There has been so many the past two weeks that me and Annabeth count how many people we kill or knock out and see who wins. I know were weird but it was to pass the time. We started fighting all the players while counting how many we killed. "17,18,19." I said to myself but I could hear that Annabeth was ahead as she was into her twenties before me.

I actually started getting a bit angry from this and pulled out my crossbow shooting random soldiers before Annabeth could. "Hey that's cheating!"

"No its not! I'm up to thirty five now!" I shot another man. "Thirty six!" I could see Annabeth getting annoyed and ran straight into the crowd killing everyone she went past. I ran in as well and soon there was only one left and we were both on fifty two dead. The guy was freaking out but we knew we couldn't kill him, not yet. We dragged him to a chair and tied his hands down. Normally now Annabeth would try torching the information out of the guy but I wanted to give something else a go.

I sat down in front of him and saw the pure fear pulsing in his eyes. "So, your on the side that wants HeroBrine gone and Notch back, right?" He said nothing to me. "Look, this will be a whole lot easier if you talk to me. If my friend had her way she'd of lashed out and given you a couple of cuts to the arms." I saw him shiver at the thought.

"I don't want to let her do that, if you help us out we can help you. Just tell us how you found out about this base and I will let you go." He looked down before taking a deep breath. 

"Carl, our leader, he got a anonymous tip with the co-ordinates. That's all I know." I stood up and walked over to Annabeth. 

"Take him back to the overworld, away from Fort Notch, find a village for him to settle into."

"We can't just let him go."

"We aren't going to kill him, he gave us valuable information."

"Just that his boss got a tip, so what."

"I'm more interested in who gave him the tip, it would have to be someone who has been inside the base before."

"Good thinking, but still what if he tries to find the Fort?"

"Get him far from it then."


"No buts Annabeth, we don't want a bad image. Like Collin said remember." She sighed.

"I know." She walked over to the man and untied his hands, still holding his shoulder, she walked him out. But not without giving me a look which screamed the phrase 'This is a bad idea'

Herobrine Experience II: VengeanceWhere stories live. Discover now