New Arrival

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Chapter 17

-Herobrines P.O.V-

I walked down the corridor of our newest fort, I like it as it reminds me of home, being made from nether bricks and obsidian. I walked down to the main conference room, one of the search groups had caught someone who was on Notchs side so I was called down to try and get them to talk. I passed through the door to see a girl tied to a chair, the uniform showed she was a obvious spy. I walked over and sat across from her, I was surprised to say the least, even grown men from Notchs side would start to struggle by now. But this girl simply glanced to me as if I was nothing more then a dirt block.


Then things grew weirder, for the girl spoke first. "Are going to sit there and stare for the next five minutes or will you actually ask a question?" My eyes narrowed at her, how could she be so confident about being captured by a supposed 'killer'? I attempted to try and remind her how this would go.

"I don't think your in the position to-" Before I could finish, she butted in, her tone angrier then before.

"I am in the position to do what I like, because whether you like it or not Herobrine, I am not giving you any information you so desire." Her eyes flashed red a moment before she allowed herself to calm down. Then something clicked in my head.

"Hybrid." I mumbled, catching the girls attention completely. "You are, aren't you? Your a hybrid."

"Congratulations on figuring that out, took you long enough." She looked to her side and I got to my feet "Well, it took me the right amount of time, because you've given me all I need to know." She looks at me from the corner of her eye, her face was emotionless but for some reason, hurt was in her eyes.

I turn and head for the door before the ground began to shake, I looked around, holding the wall for stabilization. "What the-?"

"She arrives." I hear the girl say, looking at her. I thought she couldn't be right. Could she?

I raced up to the roof as quickly as I could, looking to the east I see two lightning flashes and the thunder roared loudly through Minecraftia. This could mean one thing and one thing only.

"Megan, has returned." I looked at the solider beside me "Gather a group of men and find her, before Notchs army does." The man nods, heading back inside, I looked to where the lightning was and knew I had to tell Hannah.

I grab my bag from my study and teleported to the Nether.

(Sorry for the short shitty chapter, I promise the next will be better! Promise!)

Herobrine Experience II: VengeanceWhere stories live. Discover now