The Legend :Chap. 1, Pt. 2

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Ok! heres part 2 of chapter one.


When Danelle came, and I was packed up for my "sleepover," I said good-bye to Mumsy, and we drove away.

"So, Raisa, how are you?" Danelle started, attempting at small-talk until we were out of the neighborhood.

"Oh, fine, thank you for coming to get me." I replied.

"Are you excited?" Skye said in a high-pitched tone, acting like, well, a teenager.

Then, we hit the highway, and I hit adulthood. I felt the familiar strange feeling of rapidly-growing bones, baby fat turning to muscle being redistributed throughout my body, the clothes I was wearing a bit too loose for my teenager self-but not too loose to notice- becoming tighter on my body. I felt my hands growing and my rings that were a bit loose as well on my fourteen-year-old fingers become adequately fitting. Ah, I was finally comfy. I looked over at Skye, she had changed, too.

"Better?" Skye asked.

"Much. So, why the change of plans?"

"You didn't sound as excited as you should have acted like, so I thought you would like to 'see the city,'" she said, quoting me.

"So that was your errand? Spying on me having conversations with my oblivious mother? Sounds like fun. Why spy on me?"

"Can we please forget about that for the time-being?" she said with a groan.

"Fine, but only for the time-being."

"Hey! Take it up with Kiah, don't punish me for someone else's orders."

I just growled.

"Would you stop growling, before your teeth start to grow? Please, you know how much that freaks me out." Skye pleaded.


Unfortunately, whenever I got royally pissed off, I turned into some form of cat-like creature. My spirit -fighter, Kiah called it.

"And, just for your information, I had to spy on you while my mom took the time to get across the bridge at human pace, it's not normal if we arrive at your house two minutes after speaking to Ms. Rebecca." She said, stating my mother's name.

"Oh, Right."

"A little antsy to get away from the North Shore, are we?"

"More than a little. You know why."

"Still miss the Nola weirdies, eh?" she guessed, stating the name "NOLa" for New Orleans, Louisiana. N.O.L.A., get it?

"Yes, very much. No one freaked out as much over there. Probably because most of them were too drunk or high to notice, but I still miss the kiddies from Lusher, they didn't freak as much, either." Lusher was the school I went to for my elementary years before we had to move from New Orleans, Mom couldn't afford to live there anymore.

When we got back to Skye's, I was greeted by David, Danelle's new hubby, and Sierra, Skye's twelve-year-old sis.

"'Sup C?" I call her CC for short.

"You, I wish I was a superhero."

"No you do not, this life really sucks, C."

"Well, if you decide to hide it from everyone, yeah. But, if you'd tell everyone then...then you'd be a celebrity!"

"Sierra, how may times have we had this conversation? I'm NOT telling anyone who I am, outside of the people who have to know."

Sierra found out the not so ugly truth about the power of the "Legend" a year ago, when Skye decided to tell her family about the Talliveras. Sierra unfortunately found out that if the "Legend" didn't let the world know that she was amongst them, and go to interviews and appear on TV shows, then no one else in the Talliveras could either. She had been pressuring me to divulge my secret ever since, dying to be famous.

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