The Legend: Chap. 3, Pt. 1

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Chapter threeeee


3. The Beginning

Shit! This was not good. Kiah was never going to let me hear the end of it for killing Blitzer. So, I should just not tell her...right? Wrong, I had to call in some Talliveras newbies to clean up the mess, they would all be bending over backwards to please her, and would tell her every little detail down to the number of pebbles on the ground. Long story short, I'm screwed. With a groan I pulled out my cell phone and called up Grace, the new "secretary" of the Talliveras.

"Hey, Grace I need a clean-up crew here, fast. Cops are realizing that it's over and the media is closing in, I gotta get out of here or there's going to be another "Kira" sighting on television."

"Got it, Raisa."


With that I hung up, and searched for my car. When I had found my Stingray, I let out an exasperated sigh. There was a police officer writhing on the ground from a bullet wound to the thigh right in front of my car. Part of my job description was helping the wounded, since I had all too much experience removing bullets I had to help. Besides, what else could I do? " Excuse me could you go writhe somewhere else, you're in front of my car," yeah, that will work.

I went over to the police officer. His hand was on the wound, applying pressure to stop it from bleeding. He was a man of strong build with broad shoulders and a thick mustache over his lip.

"Hey, how did this happen?" I said in a calm voice, trying not to frighten the poor guy.

"I don't know ma'm, I just got hit, I don't know if my partner shot me, or what, but I know that...that thing didn't have a gun, ma'm." He said in a deep voice.

"I think the bullet ricocheted off of a car, or something, I don't think a fellow police officer would shoot you. Here, let me help, I kinda have too much experience with this."

"Thank you, ma'm." He said.

"You know what I have to do, right? I have to get the bullet out. So, here's what I'm going to do..." I said while puling out my new butterfly knife and flipping it to the first blade. "I'm going to get the bullet out with this knife, okay? And it's going to hurt, but I'll try to be careful, okay?" I said, trying to remain calm.

"Oh....okay ma'm...I...have been shot before, just...not in the leg."

"The bigger the part of the body, the more it hurts, yeah I know. You have no idea how many times I've had to remove bullets, sew up gashes in my skin, bandage scrapes, burns, cuts, or basically any kind of injury." I said as I began to remove the bullet, sticking the knife into his skin and fiddling with the blade until it was under the bullet, pulling the blade and the bullet out with it. He winced, and tightened up, but soon relaxed, knowing it was vital to the removal.

"Yeah, I bet you have all kinds of injuries, I mean, you''re The Legend."

"So that's what you call me? Huh, I thought I was the only one who called me that. All I've heard is 'Great Savior' 'superwoman' blah blah blah. Ah, there we go." I got the bullet out, it was a smashed hallow-point. Yep, it was a ricocheted duty round.

"Really? You know your life must be kind of hazardous eh? Having to put your life on the line everyday to save the likes of us even though we won't even be descent to each other."

"Yes, but you're a police officer, you get paid to put your life on the line everyday, why don't you get special recognition?"

"Yeah, well that is the golden question, isn't it?"

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