The Legend :Chap. 2, Pt, 2

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ok, here's the rest of chapter 2


On the bus ride home, I got a text message from Skye. "Kiah is still pissed" it read. Shit. Once I got home, I made myself a lovely snack of grapes and took the five minutes it took me to do my homework. Then I was out of options. I had to face Kiah sooner or later. With a sigh I went down to my den. After going through the series of security procedures that it took to get into my den, the doors opened, and I went down the five steps, and onto the familiar wood floor.

I instantly felt very at home. The one place I felt at peace was in my den. Reminiscing in the concrete-walled underground secret home of mine, it was the one thing that made me feel even remotely close to happiness.

To the left was my kitchen, with my many cooking tools and ingredients. Straight ahead was a wall that was in the middle of the main room. Of course, it was only a few feet in length, you could walk around it. There hung my plasma screen television and my many gaming systems. I know it's juvenile, but I love my Xbox 360, though I don't get much time to play my favorite game, Halo 3. To the right was the wall that had my computer, but that was the epitome of my demise. It was the main database for my security system, automatic doors, and my main link to The Tallis's headquarters. That was where I communicated with Kiah. I looked to the right wall, where there was a door to my weaponry, next to it my closet for battle and everyday clothing, next to that was my bedroom, art studio, and training room.

The south wall had one door. It lead to my fourteen-car garage. In it was an Ashton Martin Vanquish, a Shelby Mustang GT 500, a blood-red Nissan Armada, a black Saturn Skyy, a Porsche 911 turbo, a purple Ducati, a Honda ATV, a Saleen S7 Twin, a Convertible four-door Audi, a 2009 Courvette Stingray, a silver Lamborghini, a Jeep Wrangler, a Trans-am, and my favorite, the new Lotus Evora. It wasn't even finished yet. A prototype was given to me by one of the heads of the Talliveras. His headquarters were set up in Europe. His cover I.D. was the manager of one of the Lotus dealerships.

There were many heads of The Talliveras, although Kiah was the one Headmaster. Her word was law. I was the only one who had the guts to defy her, since, of course, I was the supposed leader that never stepped up to take my place. Another thing that separated me from the rest of the "Legends," I was the first not to take my place as leader. Kiah was supposed to be my right hand, for she has been the right-hand-woman for all of the ones before me.

With a sigh, I turned on the computer, and typed in the necessary code to get to Kiah's office at Headquarters. It looked like a plasma-screen television hanging on my wall, but it was really just a big touch-screen computer. I sat down in my papa-san chair, and waited for the kvetching to begin.

I let out a groan when I saw her face. There was Kiah on the screen. I saw her long silver hair, tied into a pony-tail, her pale face, her full pink lips, her slim- built body behind the hardwood desk that she had in her office, her pink, round cheeks, and her almond-shaped hazel-green eyes scrunched together into an aggravated expression.

I always admired her, she was truly beautiful, which always made me wonder why she never had a love interest. I suppose she would probably have no time for that, so she would say. Also, she's hundreds of years old, stuck in immortality like many of The Talliveras are. So, I suppose there would be no point, seeing as if you had a love, he or she would die while you still lived an abnormally long life, or existence. But, it still always made me wonder if she did have a love at some point, although I wouldn't dare ask her.

Of course the same could be said about me. I may live for eternity if I don't find the source of these creatures. The only way I will ever have a break, will ever have a normal life is if I banish those creatures from these lands, destroy the source of them, and tell my mother who I am. Until then, how can I think about a boyfriend? I have no time or patience for that. And, I feel sorry for the poor soul who can deal with the likes of me.

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