The Legend: Chap. 3, Pt. 2

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so here is the rest of chapter three. And the reason why I put my chapters into parts is because

of their length. I orginally had them on here fully but no one read it because of how long it was, I'm

hoping making them shorter keeps people interested.

so, here you go! comment, vote, fan me, thanx!



Breathe, just breathe. I told myself as the clock in Ms. Penelope's class ticked on. We were all packed up and ready for lunch as everyone waited for the minutes to pass. I had been hyperventilating all day. Well, hyperventilating was an exaggeration, but I was still freaking out. I had an hour and a half before my first class in talented art. I still had not figured out what made me react the way I did to Mr. Brady, and whatever he had done to make me feel so strange had not worn off. I'm twenty-one years old! Why am I acting this way?

I didn't get a chance to talk to Kiah, but analyzing my own thoughts, it sounded like I had a stupid teenage crush on the guy, when I knew absolutely nothing about him! Damn teenage hormones.... Apparently, even though I was actually an adult, I still had to deal with the mood swings, the eating and sleeping habits, and the hormones. Oh, how I ached to be normal...Did I mention I hated my job?

Ding ding ding everyone rushed out of the classroom for lunch. I walked at normal pace, knowing I would get my sad excuse for lunch even if I had to steal someone else's. I paid for my lunch and sat in my normal spot that no one else would touch with a ten-foot pole. Apparently the word got around that you DO NOT mess with Raisa. I don't know how that got around, I've never bothered anybody. Whoever the person was, he or she was smart to say that. I hated being messed with. Once again, my short temper didn't help with that.

I finished my sad excuse for a hamburger quickly, careful not to get ketchup on my purple and black splatter-painted fingerless arm gloves, and left the cafeteria. Walking past the picnic benches outside, I noticed Kiana with a bunch of her friends. Jessie and Liam from my ELA were there. So, I wasn't her only friend, then why did she bother me so much? I moved quickly, avoiding her seeing me. Her casualness at my secret threats and snide remarks still irked and confused me. She was an anomaly. Leaving the eating area, I passed the band and chorus wing of the school and noticed the teacher on duty there with a mesmerizing pair of dark-brown eyes. My breath caught, and I just stared. Mr. Brady was on duty on Mondays.

I realized I never really noticed anything about him but his eyes. Looking at him from a distance, he was actually really cute. He was about 5'9" with short-cut black hair, like a buzz cut, but it was flattering. He had tan skin and a goatee on his chin, the same black as his hair. His lips were full, not a girly full, but full, not a thin line like most men's lips. He had a stud in the cartilage of his left ear with a spiral going through the lobe on the same ear, with a tattoo on the back of his left arm. He was of strong build, but wasn't buff. He didn't have abs or anything, but wasn't fat. He was wearing a brown polo and black pants with converse-looking shoes. I also noticed that his socks didn't match. Mine never matched, either.

Apparently he noticed me staring; he gave a little wave at me. I walked up to him, and searched for something to ask him, just so I could hear his voice again, thankfully I still didn't know the room number.

"Mr. Brady, right?" I asked, painfully trying to keep my voice even.

"Yes and your name is...." He said, furrowing his eyebrows while trying to remember my name "R...Raisa?"

"Yep, that's me." I said with a laugh. "It's kind of hard to remember, I know."

"Actually it's kind of easy to remember, you're the first Raisa I've ever met." He said in that smooth voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2010 ⏰

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