Two short stories

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So I found two short stories that I would love to tell.

Ok hope you enjoy!

Too tan

The person who found this story quotes:

"Now back where I live, near the beach, this story is most likely true!"

A young woman was approaching her wedding day. She decided that she'd look better in her wedding dress if she had a little color, so a week before the wedding she went to a tanning salon. The salon staff, however, told her that for her own safety, she could only tan for thirty minutes a day. After she'd tanned for her thirty minutes, she decided it wasn't enough, so she went to another tanning salon the same day to tan. They told her the same thing. She still wasn't tan enough after that thirty minutes, so she went to a third tanning salon, and a fourth.

She did this for the next four days. Even though she was getting a little bit red, she kept thinking how good she'd look in her wedding dress.

The next day, the woman died because her insides were burned from all the tanning.

Next story:

Ant brains

A/N: This is NOT true...

But is very possible and has happened before.

A little boy died because surgeons found ants in his brain! Apparently this boy had fell asleep with some sweets in his mouth or with some sweet stuff beside him. Ants soon got to him and some ants in fact crawled into his ear which somehow managed to go to his brain. When he woke up, he did not realize that ants had gone to his head.

After that, he constantly complains about itchiness around his face. His mother brought him to see a doctor but the doctor could not figure out what was wrong with him. He took an X-ray of the boy and to his horror, he found a group of live ants in his skull. Since the ants are still live, the doctor could not operate on him cuz the ants are constantly moving about.

The boy at last died. So please be careful when leaving food stuff beside your bed or when eating in bed. This might attract ants. Most importantly, NEVER eat a sweet before going to bed. You might fall asleep and suffer same fate as the little boy.

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