Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV
You arrive at Max's place and you are greeted by Max and Joji with huge smiles on their faces. "Hey guys!" You hug them both, Max a little longer than usual (heh heh ;)).
"So watcha wanna do today? Seen as you invited me over Joji." You ask
"I don't know. I was thinking maybe when Ian gets here we can chill, maybe later go to a bar or club, something like that" Joji says, then winks at Max.
Max slightly blushes, you giggle at him and slump down on the couch next time him.

Ian finally arrives and you all watch a movie. Until it was 6:00 PM.
"You guys wanna head out now it's already six" you smile excitingly.
"Sure" Max gets up, " I'll call an uber driver so we can all get drunk as shit!"
"That's sounds pretty good" Ian chimes, even though he wasn't much of a drinker.
----Time skip yo----

At the club Joji and Ian left to get shots and other drinks leaving you and Max to sit alone and wait.
"Hey uh- (y/n)? " Max taps your shoulder, bringing you to reality.
"Yeah Max?" You smile....

Max's POV
Oh my god, her smile just kills me.
" I wanted to tell you something-" God I sound like an idiot. "So uh-----"

I have to cut it short I'm sorry, maybe later tonight I'll update it so like I don't annoy the like five readers heh, thanks though, and be honest please, comment watcha think, thnx again bye

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