From the Author

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     I'm glad you all could make it! No, really! I am!
     This story is based off of a ROBLOX game I was in a while ago called After the Flash:Deep Six. The characters were not mine (except for Green) and I would like to give credit to the people behind the genius characters in the following tale. Thanks guys! I can't wait to RP with you all again!
Not all of the events in this story actually happened, though I have made it as close to the original story that I could. See, in ROBLOX, people don't usually act the same as they would in the real world. I have only made these characters as lifelike as I could without completely changing the plot. For example, when people died in the story, they actually just left the server and we pretended they were dead.
Thanks in advance for reading what you're about to read, though bear in mind that this is a post-apocalypse book. There will be blood. And gore. And quite a bit of death. Don't say you weren't warned. 
     Happy reading!

Edit: This shit be wack. There are some really problematic views of mental illness here, and that's just the first chapter. Dear God, I mean it, read at your own risk.

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