The Palace

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2:30 A. M. April 4th, 2141
"It's this way." King said.
"You coming, Green?" Tragedy called.
"Yes, sir, Mr. Tragedy, sir!" She mock saluted.
"Why did you come back for us?" Comedy asked.
"I watched the TV and saw your faces. The King's friends do NOT rot in prison." He said. "Ah, here we are. Welcome to the palace!" He said, shoving open the nearest door. It wasn't much. Assorted furniture sat all over the apartment, pizza boxes littered the floor, and the bathroom stopped working sometime before King took up residence. Green didn't care, though. She immediately went into the bedroom. It was a small room with two sets of bunk beds. Comedy simply stared out a window.
"I'll take first watch, King." Tragedy said.
"Are you sure?" King asked. "You look pretty tired."
"I'm fine! It's the least I can do."
"Hmmm... Okay." King said, supposedly retiring for the night. Not five minutes later, however, Tragedy noticed King watching him from the doorway.
"Don't you DARE stay up late watching the guy on watch!" He laughed, chasing the young man into his bed. "And stay there!" He grinned for the first time in weeks. He was about to leave when he heard Green crying in her sleep. She had taken off her green suit and was only wearing her bra and underwear. Lucky for him, the blanket completely covered the teenager's body. He sat down and awkwardly stroked her head. He hummed a familiar tune. 'I would be a horrible father.' He thought as he got up to check on Comedy.
"Hey." Comedy replied without looking from the window.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Comedy turned to face him. "I saw you with Green. Did she say anything at all?"
"No. She forgives you though."
"Yeah. She was really worried when she didn't see you in the cell with us."
"She's more mature than we give her credit for, huh?" He said. "Well, anyway, that's a huge relief. Thanks for--"
Tragedy was knocked to the floor face first. He only heard a bang and something splatter. Whenever he got back up, his ears rang. He saw a bloody corpse where his brother was, the head nowhere to be found. The boy let out a blood curdling scream.
Comedy had died right next to him.
Dun dun DUN!! Welp, RIP Comedy.
So, someone died. Told you someone would. Sorry to all of you Comedy-Green shippers. Honestly, if I had come up with these characters myself, I would've had an even harder time killing them, but I didn't. I wish I knew the usernames of the people who created these awesome dudes! I always sucked with names. I'm sorry if I stole your character. Don't yell at me. :*(

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