The King of Southwestern

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10:30 P. M. April 3rd, 21:41

     On the way to their next bar robbery attempt, a man wearing a plastic party crown stood on the statue in the middle of town. He had a sludge hammer and was destroying the large stone monument crafted in the governor's likeness. The government was hardly trustworthy in the eyes of the people, so when Comedy, Tragedy, and Green walked by the man, they hardly batted an eyelid. They simply watched for a second and were about to continue when the rest of the statue came crashing down.
"That should do it!" The man said, proudly standing to admire his handiwork.
"Not bad, though you forgot to take care of the nameplate." Comedy stated, pointing to the gleaming bronze plaque on the base.
The man looked down at it. "Oh yeah! Thanks, stranger." He hopped down and ended the plaque's existence in one fell swoop from his hammer. He turned to their party. "Say, you folks don't look like any of the others in town. Where didja come from, eh?" He asked.
Tragedy gestured toward himself and his brother. "I'm Tragedy and this is Comedy. We're from the cul de sac."
"I'm Green. I'm quite sure I lived somewhere, but I'm afraid I don't recall. Probably a rainbow or a cloud somewhere!" Green smiled.
"Well, my name's King. I call myself that because I'm the King of Southwestern. And I also have this nifty crown."
"I see that." Tragedy said. "We were just going to rob the bar. Wanna come?"
"Hmmmm... I don't think it's a good idea to do that, sir. Might die in there."
"Ah, well, thanks for the warning. We'll be careful." He said as Tragedy and Comedy walked away.
"Much obliged."
Green curtsied. "Enjoy your kingdom, your majesty. I'm sure Southwestern is lovely this time of year. Excellent weather for--"
"Green!" The brothers called after her.
"Right!" She shouted back. She turned back to face King. "Never underestimate the mystical powers of cantaloupes or insanity." She said before running after the boys.

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