Bar Robbery: Take One

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     11:00 P. M. April 3rd, 2141
"Okay." Tragedy said, loading his gun. He turned the safety off as the others did the same. "3...2...1... GO GO GO!!" He shouted, busting through the door. The crowd of bar patrons screamed and shouted around the threesome, demanding that they leave.
     "Give us the money out of the cash register, and nobody gets hurt!" Comedy shouted when they heard a thud. Turning around, the brothers saw that Green had thrown her shotgun to the floor.
     "I only shoot cantaloupes because they explode. That's why they're my favorite fruit. They have the biggest explosions."
The boys looked at her like she was insane. Rightfully so, for she was insane. "Green." Tragedy sighed. He admired this sudden pacifist streak, but right now was definitely not the time for such a reveal. The threesome heard sirens outside.
"A parade! A parade!" Green shouted.
"That's not a parade. Run! Go!" The three charged outside to be met with several Southwestern PD vehicles.
     Comedy swore under his breath.
Green!" He shouted, grabbing the girl by the collar. "We would've been outta there with the money by now if it wasn't for you!" He lifted Green off the ground and shook her. "I hope you're happy! You hear that? I hope you're happy! You've been a thorn in our sides this whole time! You're useless!"
"Comedy!" Tragedy shouted. He shoved his brother to the ground, hoping to subdue him. Comedy instantly dropped Green, who just flopped down like a rag doll. The brothers were dragged away from each other and thrown, struggling, in different cop cars. Green didn't fight at all. She allowed herself to be picked up and put in a police car. For the first time in a long while, she allowed tears to flow freely down her cheeks. She vaguely remembered a fire. There were sirens there, too. And screaming. Before she even knew why, she had attacked the driver. The policeman riding in the car with her grabbed a needle and gave her a sedative. She fell asleep screaming and crying and struggling under the strong policeman. She had escaped her wild fantasy, if only for a moment.

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