A Bit Insane

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           9:00 P. M. April 3rd, 2141

     Tragedy and Comedy had tried to rob the bar for weeks. Men had survived the apocalypse better than women as a whole. So naturally, a lot of depressed young men meant a large demand for alcohol. The money made itself, the brothers just wanted in on said money. They sat in the bar they tried so hard to raid. Technically, they weren't allowed in the bar, but the owner of the establishment would have two mask wearing brothers starting a riot if they were ever thrown out.
     Comedy was impatient and suggested they drop the whole raid project, but Tragedy was determined, if a little stubborn. He was about to reply to Comedy's request when a girl walked into the bar. She seemed as if she had already been drinking a little bit as she giggled at everything. She sat at the crowded bar and had a brief conversation with the bartender, who went to get her the special drink of the day (though she looked underaged.)
     Once the bartender sat the drink in front of her, she winked. "Thanks, cutie." She said. "Ya know, has anyone ever told you that you're skull is the size and shape of a cantaloupe? It's my favorite fruit."
     The entire bar grew silent and stared at the girl who made such a strange comment. She had an electric green fedora, which she tipped at the bartender when she got up. "Thanks, sir. I hope I never have to rip your heart out and play tennis with it. Cya!"
     The patrons watched the girl as she walked across the floor to the exit. Her electric green suit didn't help draw attention away from herself. It was such a stark contrast to the subdued, muted colors around her! Regardless, however, she seemed to get angry with the men who watched her every step. "You're all rather rude. Didn't anyone ever tell you it isn't polite to stare?" She asked before stepping outside into the humid city air.
     As order slowly restored itself, Comedy turned and leaned across the table at Tragedy. "Look, she's a friggin' nutcase, but she could be useful, don't you think?"
     "Definitely. Abandon the bar raid for now. We need her on our side." Came the reply.

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